Manual back up on Windows 10

Hello !

My auto back of the vault is not working properly. If I leave my machine on but it goes to sleep, will it still back up ? At what time of the day does the auto back up occur ?

I wanted to insure I have a current back up while figuring out auto backup glitch but I cannot find the "Back up 1Password Data" button the manual talks about under Preferences and Back up window.

"You can also create a backup anytime you like by choosing Backup > Back Up 1Password Data."

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.6
OS Version: Window 10
Sync Type: Drop box


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @1200gs: Ah, good question! It isn't obvious, but 1Password doesn't backup in the background. It only backs up when you're using it. For example, it won't backup if you haven't made any changes since the last one in the time you've set. Otherwise it would be saving a new, identical backup of your vault repeatedly and wasting space.

    If you'd like to manually save a fresh backup (or restore from one), you can do this in the Backup > Back Up 1Password Data in the main app window. Preferences > Backup is where you configure the options. I hope this helps! :)

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    Thanks so much

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! We're here if you have any other questions. Cheers! :)

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