Dropbox sync issues

This discussion was created from comments split from: vault not syncing across devices despite all being linked by my dropbox account.


  • dgrass90
    Community Member

    I am having a similar issue. For example - I have updated my credit card on my iPhone and am not seeing this reflected on my MBA nor my Windows laptop. I am using DropBox sync, since I originally purchased the application from the AgileBits site. I have gone through the initial steps confirming that the DropBox folder has sucessfully synced, etc. Of note - this update was made 2 days ago and has not reflected in the other two instances of the application.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dgrass90: I hope you don't mind, but I've split you off into a separate discussion, rather than confuse things for the other people in that older thread.

    While it's definitely good news that your vault is making it to the Dropbox servers, just as important is that each device is using the Dropbox account, but also the same vault in Dropbox. If not, they'll be syncing alright, but not with each other!

    In 1Password on each device, what is the path shown to the vault in Dropbox? If any of these don't match, that would explain why changes on one do't make it to the other(s). Also, be sure to follow the steps in this guide to narrow down where the problem lies:

    Dropbox troubleshooting

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

This discussion has been closed.