WiFi Sync is messing up my data

Community Member


I've been using 1password for many years now and I recently switched from Dropbox to wifi sync to keep my data as secure/private as possible. I was able to setup wifi sync but I am not happy with it at all:

  • Syncing always finishes but the data is not synced at all. I also deleted all data from my iphone to allow for a clean start, but after syncing for some days, I have 180 logins on my computer and 240 on my iphone. The "accounts" category on my PC seems to be split to "WLAN-Router" and "Server" on the iphone. Some secure notes also did not make it to my PC (which is really strange, because I started fresh with all of the data beeing only on the PC and now there are more items in my phone?).

  • I recently changed an entry on my iphone and then synced with the PC. The result is, that the login seems to be completely deleted from my PC. I really start to lose confidence in using 1password here...

  • The status screen of the windows client is horrible. When syncing, there is a counter in the statusbar of the window, but because you can't resize the window, you can't read what its saying (seems to count something). When you switch to the protocol, there is no useful information for a "normal user". I would expect some cleartext to understand whats going on. If something goes wrong while syncing, there is no way to tell for me. No warnings, no nothing. It just counts something and outputs a lot of stuff to the log.

What can I do to fix this? How can I even debug this? I saw that you had some syncing problems with the vault fileformat in the past versions, may this be related somehow (I use the most recent versions on all devices right now)?



  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    The "Accounts" category on my PC seems to be split to "Router" and "Server" on the iphone.

    On Windows, "Accounts" is a group category for a few item types, including "Router" and "Server". Here's how to turn OFF the "Accounts" group and see all the individual types: View > Accounts

    Some secure notes also did not make it to my PC

    Are you running the opvault format with version maybe? There was a bug with opvault and this version that got fixed in 4.6.0.BETA-605. Please update to the latest beta version, and try again. Thanks!

  • ups
    Community Member

    Thanks for the quick reply and for pointing out my fault with the "Accounts" view.

    I was indeed running 604 with opvault but switching to BETA-606 does not solve the problem for me. There are still 180 items on my PC and 242 on my phone after syncing. Any ideas how to fix it? Do I have to restart with a fresh opvault?

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Do I have to restart with a fresh opvault?

    @ups You do not necessarily have to restart with a fresh opvault but if you really want to start over, then you might want to consider going back to agilekeychain maybe. It is known to be stable with Wi-Fi Sync.

    Alternatively, what you can do is erase your 1Password data from your iPhone, and then re-initiate Wi-Fi Sync from your Windows PC running 1Password 4.6.0.BETA-606. But please do not do this unless you have confirmed that...

    1. the 1Password data on your Windows PC is current, and
    2. you have backed up the 1Password data on your iPhone.
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ups: I'm sorry for the trouble here. svondutch gave some great advice, but be sure to let us know if you have any other questions. We'll get this sorted out! :)

  • ups
    Community Member

    Thanks for the advice, unfortunately I can't reset my phones data because there are more logins on my phone then on my PC right now.

    I just created a new blank vault on my PC using the keychain format and synced it to the data on my iphone. The result looks much better now. Maybe it would have worked with the BETA-606 and opvault format, but I will stick with the agilekeychain for now.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the advice, unfortunately I can't reset my phones data because there are more logins on my phone then on my PC right now.

    @ups: Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but if you save a backup of your 1Password data, this should be a non-issue. It sounds like you were able to sync your data over to the PC, but regardless it's good to backup your important data. Hopefully you're all set, but if you have any other questions be sure to let us know. Have a great weekend! :)

  • ups
    Community Member

    @brenty: Yeah, did not think about that possibility. I still have the "faulty" opvault and additional backups as well, so I can always check it for possibly missing logins.

  • You might want to rename the opvault to indicate it is faulty or remove it, so you don't accidentally switch to it later.

    We're investigating these Wi-Fi sync issues with OPvault and hope to have a solution soon.

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