Have 1Passe on iPhone & now on Windows desktop, how to get the 2 synced

I started out with 1Passe on my iPhone and got all my passwords entered, just downloaded 1Passe on my Windows desktop and have tried to restore a backup from iTunes and from wifi to the desktop program to no avail. What do I need to do?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 8
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Have 1Passe on iPhone & now on Windows desktop, how to get the 2 synced


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @phynancialphreedom: It isn't possible to restore 1Password for Windows from an iOS backup. If you're trying to transfer your data from your iPhone to the PC (and vice versa), the best thing to do will be to use Dropbox or Wi-Fi Sync:

    1Password sync options

    It sounds like you've probably already backed up your 1Password data from the iPhone, but if not be sure to do that. And if you have any questions, just let us know! :)

  • phynancialphreedom
    Community Member

    I've back the data up by wifi and by iTunes but it leaves me with a file that doesn't end in the "agile keychain" that the program looks for when it goes to restore the backup.

  • Hi @phynancialphreedom,

    That's because the backup format used by the iOS app is only restorable in the iOS app, it cannot be restored in the Windows app.

    To push your data from the iPhone to your PC, a Wi-Fi sync with 1Password is recommended, so let's figure out why you cannot use the Wi-Fi Sync.

    Can you tell us what happens when you tried to do a Wi-Fi sync with 1Password between your iPhone and PC?

  • phynancialphreedom
    Community Member

    I get the Backup data page that tells me to go to the computer address on my web browser of When I go there I get a screen that says"Click the 'Backup' button below to download the Backup File and store it in a very safe place." When I do that and save the file it saves it as 20160708_backup.data. This time it actually let me restore the file "vault" to the desktop program and when I open up the vault there isn't anything in it.

  • MikeT
    edited July 2016

    Hi @phynancialphreedom,

    That's not the Wi-Fi sync, that's the backup function, they're two separate functions. You cannot use the backup function to copy your data to the Windows program, they can only be restored within the iOS app.

    In addition, that sounds like you're using 1Password 3 for iOS, not 1Password 4/5/6 for iOS, which you need to sync with 1Password 4 for Windows.

    Can you confirm what iOS version you're using on your iPhone?

  • phynancialphreedom
    Community Member

    I have 3 the purchased version on an iPhone

  • phynancialphreedom
    Community Member

    Am I also able to share this app on my wife's phone?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @phynancialphreedom: While you can share some purchases with Apple's Family Sharing feature, I don't believe that will work with 1Password 3 (or other apps that predate Family Sharing). But you share many other things if you set it up, so it doesn't hurt to try.

    However, I'd definitely recommend using the current version of 1Password. The old version will not be able to sync with the current version of 1Password for Windows (or Mac) via Dropbox or Wi-Fi Sync, and frankly 1Password 3 doesn't run well on recent iOS versions — to say nothing of the countless improvements we've made in the years since 1Password 3 was discontinued.

    I'm glad to hear that you've already saved a backup of your data. Let me know which iOS and Windows versions you're working with and we'll come up with a more concrete gameplan. :)

  • phynancialphreedom
    Community Member

    IOS 9.3.2 and the latest version of Windows 8

  • MikeT
    edited July 2016

    Hi @phynancialphreedom,

    Download 1Password from the App Store on your iPhone, the newer 1Password 6 for iOS app is a separate app from your 1Password version, meaning it will not replace your version of 1Password for iOS. Once it is installed, migrate your data from 1Password 3 to 1Password 6 with this guide.

    Once it is imported, you can then establish a Wi-Fi sync with 1Password for Windows. First, you need to create a new vault in the Windows app before you perform the sync, open 1Password on the PC and select I'm new to 1Password vault to set up the new vault, reuse the same password as the one you're using in 1Password on your iOS device. After this, use this guide to set up the guide.

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