I have to click the command bar icon twice to open the 1password menu

IE11 on win8. each time I reopen the browser, I need to click the 1password icon in the command bar twice to get the menu to show. I also have lost the login auto save feature despite the browser extension being installed and the correct settings set. I've done the check version and all is up to date. First time on this forum and the login isn't automatically saved. Love 1password but am getting frustrated

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: win 8
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I have to click the command bar icon twice to get in


  • Hi @robinhalliday,

    This is not a known issue. I just tried this in IE11 on Windows 8.1 and it is working the first time for me, the auto-save on this forum also works the first time.

    Are you clearing history or anything like that each time you close the browser?

    Have you tried reinstalling the 1Password add-on for IE11 to see if it helps? If not, try this:

    1. Close IE, open 1Password, unlock, and go to the File Menu > Preferences > Browsers. Uncheck the box next to IE and press OK.
    2. Restart your computer and when you're back up, repeat step 1 but this time, check the box next to IE and press OK.
    3. Open IE and see if it is working better now.
  • robinhalliday
    Community Member

    Thanks @MikeT but these two tests didn't change anything. I'm not doing anything odd with the history each time. Back to the drawing board.

  • Hi @robinhalliday,

    Let's look at your 1Password and system configuration to see what else it could be. Do you have any plug-ins in IE beside 1Password? To find out, click on the gear icon on top right of IE to select Manage Add-ons. If you have a long list of add-ons, it would be easier to use screenshots to tell us the list. You can email these to us along with your 1Password diagnostics report.

    Please use this guide to generate the 1Password diagnostic report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • robinhalliday
    Community Member

    Thanks @MikeT
    logfile sent

  • Hi @robinhalliday,

    Thanks, we got the email and will reply soon.

    ref: HNT-91713-586

  • rescuejag
    Community Member

    I have the same issue using both IE and Chrome (latest versions) in Win Pro 8.1. When using the plugin extension in browser, on the first click the password box briefly appears and closes immediately. On the second click it stays open. I have uninstalled/reinstalled chrome and the plugin. It worked briefly on the first click, but I think that same day went back to requiring two clicks. Although and annoyance still like 1password. Hope this issue gets resolved shortly.

  • Hi @rescuejag,

    What anti-malware solution are you using? It's not an issue within 1Password, it looks as if something is suppressing the initial call from the extension to 1Password Helper. This is usually caused by a third party security program filtering the data between the 1Password extension and 1Password Helper.

  • rescuejag
    Community Member

    Using Bitdefender Endpoint Security.

  • Hi @rescuejag,

    I believe the other customer affected by this was also using EndPoint Security.

    Could you reproduce the problem and then generate a 1Password diagnostics report for us to view. Please use this guide to generate the report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • rescuejag
    Community Member

    Diagnostics report has been emailed.

  • Thanks, we got the report and will reply to your email ASAP.

    ref: EFH-65882-427

  • robinhalliday
    Community Member

    Saw that this one came back to life - I went back to Firefox for a while and the problem went away. However it is now apparent on both firebox and IE.
    Did you manage to resolve it with @rescuejag ?

  • rescuejag
    Community Member

    Has not been resolved. Occurs in IE and Chrome as well. We have ruled out potential conflict with virus protection from bit defender as tested on freshly installed computer before installing bit defender and same issue occred.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rescuejag, @robinhalliday: I'm really sorry that you're both having this issue. It definitely sounds a bit maddening, though I haven't encountered it myself. :(

    Perhaps between the two of you we can determine what commonalities there are, and that might allow us to narrow down the cause:

    1. Which version of Windows are you using (7, 8.1, 10...other)?
    2. Which version of 1Password are you using?
    3. Which version of the extension are you using?
    4. What is the version of the browser(s) where you're encountering this problem?
    5. What is the security software and its exact version you're using?
    6. How long has this problem been occurring?
    7. Are you able to use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl \) normally?
    8. Any other clues?

    Sorry to ask so many questions, but I want to make sure that we account for everything. If we're able to reproduce the issue ourselves using this information, that may go a long way toward a solution. Thanks in advance!

  • robinhalliday
    Community Member

    Thanks @brenty

    1. Windows 8.1 Pro
    3. 4.5.9
    4. IE11 11.0.9600.18427, Firefox 47.0.1
    5. Symantec Endpoint Protection Version 12.1.6 (12.1 RU6 MP5) Build 7004 (12.1.7004.6500)
    6. Couple of months - can't be more specific
    7. ctrl \ works OK
    8. only that I'm losing my hair rapidly!
  • Hi guys,

    Actually, according to rescuejag's ticket that we were talking in, as soon as he installed a specific app, it started to show this problem, proving it is not a fault in 1Password entirely but rather a combination of 1Password and another app on the same computer. It wasn't Bitdefender but it started after he installed something else.

    @robinhalliday, do you have QuickBooks installed?

    Can you try the latest 1Password 4 beta and see if it improves it. Here's how:

    1. Uninstall 1Password 4 via Control Panel
    2. Reboot
    3. Install the latest 1Password 4 beta here
    4. Reboot once more

    Does it change at all?

  • rescuejag
    Community Member
    1. Win 8.1 Pro
    3. extension Chrome / add-on IE
    4. Chrome 52.0.2743.116 m (64-bit) / IE 11.0.9600.18427 - update version 11.0.34 (KB3175443)
    5. Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools
    6. 3-5 months
    7. shortcut behaves in same manner as mouse click of extension icons. Requires two ctrl+\ to open initially.
    8. I did fresh reload of Win8.1 Pro with all updates, same problem manifested before installing bitdefender.

    Will try beta and advise.

  • Yea, BitDefender is not the issue here. It was a different app.

This discussion has been closed.