Does the Chrome extension work under Windows 10? [Yes]

Community Member
edited July 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I upgraded my system to Windows 10 yesterday. Now I get no response when I click on the 1Password Helper extension button. I am running the most-current version of Chrome, I removed and re-installed the extension. I "restarted" the extension from 1Password and it said it was restarted. Still no response from Chrome.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:windows 10 chrome, kb:undefined, kb-search:windows 10


  • Bearcat_83
    Community Member

    Update: I just restarted my system and, again, no response from the Chrome extension. However, this time when I restarted the Helper, I received a message that Chrome could not be "reached" and whether I wanted to reactivate. I selected yes, but still no response. However, I'm back to 1Password saying that the helper was restarted successfully.

  • Hi @Bearcat_83,

    Yes, 1Password works on Windows 10. However, we've seen many weird glitches caused by the Windows 10 upgrade itself and they do impact 1Password but they're not 1Password issues.

    What anti-malware solution are you using on Windows 10? Sophos works differently on Windows 10 than it does on Windows 7, so customers have to follow this guide that they didn't have to do on Windows 7.

  • Bearcat_83
    Community Member

    I am using Webroot which generally doesn't cause an issue. What should I be looking for to determine if Webroot is the problem?

  • Bearcat_83
    Community Member

    Update: I uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome and it seems to be working. Thanks for your assistance!

  • Hi @Bearcat_83,

    That's great, thanks for letting us know it was Chrome.

This discussion has been closed.