How do I get my new individual account trial personal vault into 1password 4 on windows?

I recently created a 1password individual account to try and I can't get the personal vault into the 1password4 windows, which then prevents me from using the chrome extension. I have also tried the windows 1password 6 beta but this crashed immediately on logging in. I have successfully synced the account to an iphone with the app and a mac using 1password 6, but can't get it synced on my work pc.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 pro 64bit
Sync Type: 1Password
Referrer: forum-search:1password4 windows sync vault


  • Hi @seanek14,

    1Password 4 does not support subscriptions, it can only deal with local vault files. You do need to use 1Password 6 Beta to sign in to your 1Password account.

    If it is crashing on your work PC, you might be in a restrictive network that's preventing 1Password from connecting to our servers. Can you confirm if you have a proxy involved?

    Could you email us the crash report? Here's how:

    1. Right-click on the start button to select Event Viewer. On the left sidebar, expand Custom view, and then click on Administrative Events
    2. Reproduce the issue in 1Password. Now, switch to Event Viewer and right-click on the list view to select Refresh. Could you select the most recent errors that popped up after the refresh and right-click on it to select Copy > Copy Details as Text.
    3. Paste it in a new text file using NotePad and save it. Please email that file to us at with the link to this thread included.
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