
This discussion was created from comments split from: !Password on various devices.


  • lole
    Community Member

    Not sure this is the place to post this, but I can't find a way to ask a question without tagging along....
    I have an older 1PW license on my MAC, got an email to "upgrade" which actually turned out to require buying a new license. I used that license on my new Microsoft Surface book. Problem 1) I created a new main pw that I can't remember. have tried restoring, no luck. I followed instructions on "starting over" but it requires you to open and unlock 1PW which obviously I can't do since I can't remember the PW. Problem 2) I would like to migrate all my data from the Mac version to the PC version, but can't figure how to do this. Do I have to enter ALL the info manually????? Problem 3) I'd like to also have the app on my iPhone, but not sure if I can do this (the older version didn't allow that). Can I use the license on my old mac too? and migrate the data there? I'm trying to get to the point that I don't have to lug my old mac with me (along with the surface) everywhere I go, but until I get my password situation ironed out I have to do so. WHY is there no phone number to call for support??? I'm not as tech savvy as some!

  • lole
    Community Member

    and does 1pw work better with IE or Edge?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    and does 1pw work better with IE or Edge?

    @lole: 1Password 4 works with Internet Explorer. But since it predates Edge and their extension framework is so new, Edge is not supported currently.

    I created a new main pw that I can't remember. have tried restoring, no luck. I followed instructions on "starting over" but it requires you to open and unlock 1PW which obviously I can't do since I can't remember the PW.

    Sorry for the confusion! To "start over" you need to lock 1Password for Mac:

    Starting over with 1Password

    I would like to migrate all my data from the Mac version to the PC version, but can't figure how to do this. Do I have to enter ALL the info manually?????

    Not at all! You can use Dropbox to sync your data over:

    Dropbox sync setup

    I'd like to also have the app on my iPhone, but not sure if I can do this (the older version didn't allow that). Can I use the license on my old mac too? and migrate the data there? I'm trying to get to the point that I don't have to lug my old mac with me (along with the surface) everywhere I go, but until I get my password situation ironed out I have to do so. WHY is there no phone number to call for support??? I'm not as tech savvy as some!

    We're a small company and don't have a call center, but we're always happy to help here in the forums or via email. Your single desktop license entitles you to use 1Password on all of your computers. Once you get your data sync'd over, you'll be able to lighten your load and take only the Surface with you. Very convenient! Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions! :)

  • lole
    Community Member

    I need to "start over" on the PC, not the Mac. The PC instructions say to UNLOCK, which I am not able to do.
    Also I tried restoring from a time when I was able to get in and it just made "vault 2" and "vault 3" none of which I can sign in to. I'd like to get rid of those two extra vaults

  • MikeT

    Hi @lole,

    Sorry about that, there's a logic flow error on our side. The Start over instruction is linked from the Forgot my password page but the Start Over page didn't take into consideration that some people who want to start over, may not know the password to unlock. We'll fix that.

    First, let's take a step back because most of this is something you don't need to do if you want to sync your data from the Mac app. Let's take this one step at a time.

    1. You're able to unlock your vault on the Mac, right?
    2. Are you willing to use Dropbox to sync your data between your Surface Book and your iPhone, along with Mac if you're still planning to keep using it?

    The best way to approach this is to tell the Mac app to enable the sync with Dropbox, so it leaves a sync file in your Dropbox account. On the PC, you install Dropbox, sync your data and then configure 1Password to open this file, so it'll reuse the same password. For the iPhone, tell 1Password to use Dropbox and it'll unlock the sync file for you to use with the same password.

  • lole
    Community Member

    Hi Mike T, Obviously I've not tried to attack this problem again since August! But, I have tried today and using the links provided, to sync with Dropbox, I find it doesn't work. When i go to Preferences within 1 password there is no icon for syncing. My 1 password is old but still! I still can unlock the 1 pw on my MAC but I hate having to have 2 computers open to do anything. ALSO, your latest update is screwy! If I want to edit a login or password something really funky goes on in the text box and I can't see a)what is there or b) what I'm typing or erasing. It's kind of a color spectrum thing, not text. Weird.

    The only solution I can come up with, unless one of you is actually willing to talk with me on the phone and help me through this, is to start over completely. As in Uninstall 1 PW and get a new license. Then at least I can manually transfer the info! But I don't want to pay for it again.

    Help me please!!

  • MikeT
    edited November 2016

    Hi @lole,

    Please email us at with a link to this thread and we can provide you with more assistance on this issue.


    ref: QVW-73928-458

This discussion has been closed.