Wipe out my account?

I'm a Windows user with an iPhone. I don't have any other methods of access to 1Password but regardless, I heard and read great things so I thought about switching from LastPass.

I ran through the import process from Lastpass to 1Password to test things out and ran into problems that I just don't want to play around with until the maturity of the Windows platform is a bit more matured on the 1Password end which LastPass is already doing for me.

That said, i would like to delete the personal vault completely but can't find how to do this. I've read that the native apps are the best thing to use in order to delete everything but when I go into the 1Password 6 application, Select all and say move to trash, nothing moves (I'm using Windows 10). I would like to essentially delete my account altogether along with all of the data stored on any of the devices. The iPhone app is easy enough (and I have a feeling if I was a Mac user I wouldn't be having any of these problems, but alas...).

Any help is greatly appreciated!

1Password Version: 6 beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @thtech,

    1Password 6 Beta has a UI design issue where if you delete a large number of items, it doesn't provide you with feedback or progress indicator but it will complete it in a few minute depending on how many the items there are.

    However, I'm not sure what your intention is, it sounded like you want to delete your account, not delete the data in it. If that is correct, the native desktop app isn't the way to do this, they're the best for bulk data changes. You have to delete the account when on the 1Password.com web app instead.

    We're working on an update to add this option to your 1Password.com account settings, we just haven't figured out the right place to put it in. I'll send you a private message on how to do this now.

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