Login Issues - Account Info

Hi. I am super frustrated, just trying to login to my account online and can't figure it out. I got my license key emailed to me but that's not working on the login screen. I get this message: "This looks like a 1Password license key, not an Account Key for 1Password Teams or 1Password Families." The only other option seems to be to setup a new account and those screens act like I'm a new customer to 1password. This is just the beginning. I have 1password installed on 2 computers and my phone and nothing is syncing. But before I try to fix that, I just want to get into my account online.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:login to website


  • Hi @lfreymann,

    I am sorry that you're frustrated. We will help you with this.

    First, your licenses do not come with the 1Password.com subscription, they're unrelated. The license is for standalone products that do not come with any syncing services, they're for local encrypted files that you can choose to manually sync with a third party service if you want.

    1Password.com subscription is where we handle the sync, backup and everything else for you and you get all 1Password apps and future upgrades included in the subscription price.

    I checked your email address that you have in your forum profile, I do not not see any 1Password.com subscriptions. I did find your Windows license. Can you confirm that you are not paying for 1Password.com subscription, it is a monthly or yearly fee.

    If not, then that would explain why you cannot log in to 1Password.com, you have to sync your data manually with a third party sync service. We'll be happy to help you register your 1Password apps and sync your data.

    Let me know first if you are trying to to use a 1Password.com subscription.

  • lfreymann
    Community Member

    Hi - thanks for the reply! I thought I had paid for 1password and could view my account/passwords online. But sounds like I need to pay monthly or yearly to do that, under a subscription service? I am using dropbox for storing data/syncing but it's confusing and I feel like I have 1password/dropbox files w/my data all over the place in various folder locations on both computers - and my phone - and nothing syncs. I was going to delete the app from 1 computer and my phone and was hoping to just manage it on one computer and login online to view passwords as needed from other devices. Is that possible? Thanks again.

  • Hi @lfreymann,

    In that case, you're using Dropbox to sync your data between your computers and devices, rather than 1Password.com subscription. In order for 1Password.com web app to view your data, your data has to be stored on our servers and servers are expensive to run all the time, which is why it requires a subscription. Since you're storing the data with Dropbox, there's no way for the web app to access it directly.

    1Password apps on both your computers and mobile devices should be syncing to the same vault file in your Dropbox folder, you shouldn't see any more than one folder involved here.

    To help us get a bigger picture of how your 1Password apps are currently configured with Dropbox, could you email us your diagnostics report. Please use this guide to generate the report on your PC first and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • lfreymann
    Community Member

    Ok, thanks. That makes sense now. Unfortunately I have to move away from my computer and come back to this later. But I'll follow the steps and report back soon - and hopefully get my dropbox issues/files worked out. Thanks again.

  • No problem, we'll be here for you when you're ready.

  • lfreymann
    Community Member

    Hi - well, I've come back to this and signed up for the paid online account, downloaded the app to my pc (1Password 6 beta) and I'm trying to import my history from my other account which is in Dropbox and I can't figure out how to do it. I went to Dropbox online, downloaded my files but it appears nothing is the right file type. And I can't find any files on my PC that work either. When I click "import" and select any of the files, it just takes me right back to main screen, as if nothing happened. I've been working on this for over an hour and I'm super frustrated (again). Hopefully you can help. Thanks.

  • AlexHoffmann
    edited September 2016

    Hey @lfreymann,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We will help you get everything set up.
    Have you taken a look at the Windows section of our Move your existing 1Password data to 1Password account guide, yet?

    It contains all the information you need for this. If something doesn't work as expected, please let us know.



    ref: SHQ-52776-184

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