1password helper

I have created an account with 1password and installed the extension. None of it seems to be working on Windows 7/Chrome. When I click on the extension, it says that the helper is not running or is being blocked. Security settings are where I wand them, and all other extensions work fine. I've tried just about everything this person did with no luck: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/37440/chrome-extension-not-communicating-with-1password-helper-moved-to-email. I've tried just about everything in all the support articles I can find, except tips that say log into 1password and click on file>[whatever], because I can't find the "file" button or tab (maybe just blind?). Online user guides and videos (yours and third party) make it all look so easy, but I've spent a few hours on this and it's a no-go. I'd just move right over to another company, but I already paid for the iOS app like a fool. Thinking I might be out the $10, but at this point I'm ready to eat the loss. Any help would be great. Thanks.

1Password Version: 178
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rdm568: First, it sounds like you may be running an old beta of 1Password 6 (178), so I've moved your post to the Windows beta category of the forums. Make sure you install the latest version:

    1Password 6 Windows desktop beta

    If you're not being offered that when you start the app (or perhaps you've kept it running for quite a while), that may also be connected to your security settings. And unfortunately the discussion you were reading was from over a year ago, so it contains some outdated information that does not apply to the new app that you're using.

    But it will be best to use 1Password 4 if you are not using the 1Password (Families, Teams, or individual) subscription services.

    When I click on the extension, it says that the helper is not running or is being blocked. Security settings are where I wand them, and all other extensions work fine.

    Unfortunately if anything is blocking communications between 1Password and the extensions, it will not work in your browser. Other extensions which are not communicating with an external app will certainly work fine under these conditions, but the only way to get it working is to allow 1Password to do the job you're asking of it without interference.

    To that end, if you need help configuring your "security" software, we will need to know what version(s) you're using. Otherwise it will be very difficult to offer anything but general suggestions such as allowing an exception for 1Password:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password 6\AgileBits.OnePassword.Desktop.exe

    Also keep in mind that 1Password 6 will need to be open and unlocked for it to be able to communicate with the browser. Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you!

  • rdm568
    Community Member

    Thanks for the help, I'll try your recommendations. What's confusing me is: 1. I just set this up for the first time a few days ago, so not sure why it wouldn't be the latest version. 2. I was planning on doing a family/team subscription service, so again, not sure why when I set this up this weekend I didn't automatically get the latest version. 3. The person who recommended 1password to me said not to bother with the app, that it was easier to just use the website and Chrome extension, but you're bringing it up, so I guess I need clarification on that.
    Thanks for the help, I'll let you know!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rdm568: That's confusing to me to since, as I mentioned, the app will update when you launch it. So definitely double check and let me know what you find.

    I think it's fascinating that someone told you to use 1Password.com! I agree that it's convenient and it's coming along rather well, but I'm not sure I've heard that recommendation before. I know the web team will be excited to hear that.

    Definitely let us know what you think, and if there's anything else we can help with! :)

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