Ability to create more than 20 items in demo mode

I am using a demo version of 1Password on Windows. I am unable to create more than 20 items when adding new (as expected). However, there is a workaround (possible defect) to create more. If you duplicate an existing item, you can then edit it to something new to create more than 20 items.

This allows you to create as many items as you want. If you have an instance of each type (login, credit card, secure note, etc.) you can duplicate them and get around the demo limitation.

It is a bit clunky, but does mean you can avoid the demo limits and use for more than 20 items. It looks like the same check that happens when trying to add a new item should happen when duplicating an item.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Duplicate


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2016

    @s_tai: First of all, I admire your honesty! But, being the honest type myself, I feel like the hassle of duplicating items to get around the trial restriction a fair tradeoff. And frankly if someone really wanted to avoid for paying for 1Password, they could "bounce" data between apps by syncing to create items freely on other platforms (for example, 1Password for iOS allows unlimited Logins, Secure Notes, Credit Cards, and Identities).

    This loophole definitely wasn't intentional since we don't want to annoy people into paying for a license. Thanks for reporting this! I don't expect that we'll change it since if folks are happy to spend the extra effort to do something like that, more power to them. It's kind of ingenious, actually. But for my money, I'd rather save myself the trouble. Cheers! :pirate:

  • s_tai
    Community Member

    I agree - it's not an ideal way to use the app. I discovered this inadvertently as I had a few similar logins that I duplicated and ended up with more than 20 items.

    I do plan on buying a license, so won't use it in this way. Just wanted to let you know if you wanted to address it.

    Thanks for the great app.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @s_tai: Again, thanks very much! That was really decent of you. I'm going to send you a private message with some additional information, so be sure to check for that and let me know if you have any other questions, comments, or suggestions. Cheers! :)

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