login windows to individual account doesn't work

Hi, I have an Individual account on my.1password.com. Works fine on Mac and iOS. I just downloaded the Windows 6 something beta from your website. After installation I am prompted to select 'Where is your data?'. I selected 1Password Account (well, it says for teams and Families, but I guess, the Individual is covered by this as well). On next screen I have to key in

I am 100% sure, the information entered is correct.

After I press Sign in, the following error message appears:
'Unalbe to sign in, please check details provided and your network connection'

I am sitting behind a proxy. Found discussion https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/317622/#Comment_317622. But I don't have a file called 'AgileBits.OnePassword.Desktop.exe.config' (just the exe, no exe.config). Please advise how to get 1Password started on Windows.

1Password Version: 6 beta something (no menu available yet....)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7 Enterprise
Sync Type: Individual Account
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  • Hi @luc79,

    That is strange, the .exe.config is supposed to be bundled in the app install.

    Can you email us your 1Password 6 Beta log, so we can see what's going on.

    1. Open Windows File Explorer and enter the following in the address bar to open our diagnostics folder: %LOCALAPPDATA%\1Password\Diagnostics
    2. Reproduce the issue in 1Password 6, you'll then see a current.txt file show up or updated
    3. Please email that file to us at support+windowsbeta@agilebits.com. Also, include the link to this thread along with your forum username.
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