Suggestion - User-Defined Icons for Folders

It would be very useful to have User-Defined Icons for my Folders.
Reason: I have many passwords in KeePass and when I transfer them to 1Password, I need 20-30 folders.

Adding an icon to a folder makes identifying the folder easier (because I just need to look at the icon and don't have to read the text).
This increases the usability.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @OLLI_S,

    We're moving away from folders in future versions of 1Password and are standardizing on tags instead. We've already done this for service and in the 1Password 6 Beta for Windows.

    If we expand to include smart folders based on the tags, we'll see if we can add custom icons to it as well.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member

    Is it really a good idea to remove folders, when I have 300+ passwords?

  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @OLLI_S,

    Not sure what you mean, we're not removing it right now from any local vault files, it'll remain as such forever.

    If in the future you upgrade 1Password that does not support folders, we'll convert the existing folders to tags. That's what we're doing right now in 1Password 6 Beta when you import a local vault into the vault.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    If you have a tags-view this is OK
    This topic can now be closed (if there is such a feature here in the forums).

  • We don't close threads but we do archive after a few years.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member

    I thought about this change.
    Smart Tags are an excellent idea, but it would be cool when I can add images to tags (manually added tags) and maybe also to smart-tags.

    I see it in my current password manager KeePass where all my folders have user defined icons.
    Tell me if you need a screen shot of my folder structure.

  • Hi @OLLI_S,

    No need for that screenshot, we do understand what you're trying to accomplish but right now, it is not something that's possible within 1Password.

    We have a different idea on how to approach this but it is a bit too early to reveal it at the moment. I don't have a timeframe yet on when this would be shown, so hopefully, not too long and you may like it.

This discussion has been closed.