Suggestion - Additional fields in the Identity

When I create an Identity then I miss some fields in the group "Internet Details":

  • Facebook (the URL of my Facebook profile)
  • Google+ (the URL of my Google+ profile)
  • Twitter (the URL of my Twitter page)

ICQ is used very seldom and MSN is no longer existing.
And the 3 fields are used more often these days.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @OLLI_S,

    In a future version of 1Password, you'll be able to add a custom field to add these data if you want and remove other fields.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member
    edited August 2016

    This topic can now be closed (if there is such a feature here in the forums).

  • I'm glad you think so. Hopefully, it won't be a long wait for you to see it in action.

This discussion has been closed.