1Password 6 vs. 1Password 4

How is 1Password 6 vs. 1Password 4 on Windows? I've tried the family version of 1Password 6 beta for Windows and sadly, most of the features that I like in 4 wasn't there in 6. Is the individual account better than family? I like having the cloud service, but will it be a pain to use since its still in beta?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @toobs,

    Right now, it is not fair to compare 1Password 6 Beta to 1Password 4 since 1Password 6 is not yet a stable program and meant for 1Password.com users initially. 1Password 4 also cannot support 1Password.com either, so they're really are two different programs with different pros and cons for now.

    1Password 6 Beta is a beta build of a brand new application, it has not yet implemented all features that've been added to 1Password 4 for Windows in its 7+ years codebase. We're working as fast as we can to get it to exceed 1Password 4 but it will take some time.

    1Password 6 for Windows will eventually replace 1Password 4, not just for 1Password.com customers but for standalone licenses as well but that won't happen until we add full support for local vault files later this year.

    Individual vs. Family is the same 1Password.com service, it just depends on what you need. If you have no plans to invite your family members and to share items between them, 1Password.com Individual would be cheaper for you. The price reflect the features you want to use. You'll be able to upgrade from Individual to Family later on if you want.

  • toobs
    Community Member

    I'm just asking because I'm about to pay for 1Password 4, but later in 6 months or whenever 1Password 6 is out of beta, I might want to go to subscription plan and use your cloud service instead. In the meantime, I just lost money on 1Password 4.

  • Hi @toobs,

    1Password 6 Beta will be going out of beta later this month but it will not have everything implemented and will not be meant for 1Password 4 customers as it'll be limited to 1Password.com.

    I do understand your hesitation, no one wants to buy an app and to see it replaced in 6 months without getting it included in your original purchase. I wish I have a solution for you.

    The one thing I can suggest is that you can give 1Password.com Individual subscription a try, it has a 6-month trial included right out without any credit card requirement.

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