Adding a Windows 7 computer to my Mac iOS set-up

In most of the companies I have worked for over the years, I have been forced to use a PC, despite only running on Apple devices in my home life. However, until now, I have not had a problem installing DropBox, allowing me to sync my 1Password settings with my work PC very easily. My most recent company has far more aggressive IT policies and I cannot install Dropbox...I only have Google Drive. Additionally, I have already purchased 1Password for Mac, iOS & Windows, so I am reluctant to go to a monthly subscription in order to sync the PC.

With that said, I still really want to sync my passwords to my Windows 7 PC and have persuaded my IT guys to let me install your app...but have yet to figure out how to sync the vault, they won't budge on installing DropBox. My plan is to set up a two way sync app to mirror my Dropbox set-up with Google Drive on my Mac, and access the drive info from my PC on Google Drive. I copied the Mac based folder (or container, or whatever 1Password.agilekeychain actually is) to Google Drive and 1Password on my PC shows was able to open it OK.

My question is: Am I running a major risk of file corruption using Google Dirve in this way? I don't want to lose my passwords (although I'd be able to restore from a backup if necessary).

On my PC, I have, have not installed a browser ext yet and am running Win 7 w SP1.



  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @Simon_Prutton,

    You will experience sync conflicts more often because you now have three different "monitors" that are making changes; 1Password's internal folder sync, Dropbox, and Google Drive all at the same time. All three have their own methods of handling sync conflicts and if you do too much at the same time, you may lose some changes you've made because one or the other would replace a newer item with an older item.

    With that said, if you're extra cautious to ensure you don't open more than one copy of 1Password on computers and mobile devices, you should be okay with this setup but please do make sure you do backups as often as possible.

    A subscription would help as our server is the only one keeping track of what file needs to be updated but it can be blocked by your IT department's policy, so it may not be a cure for that situation.

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