Password Generator Suggestion

Community Member
edited August 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hi there,

I have just come across a problem that probably affects quite a few users.

I use 1password on my iPhone 6S+ and my iPad Air. In both versions of the app, when looking up a password I have the option to view it in "Large Type", which is great, as being in my 50s and having less than perfect eyesight and having to wear glasses, means that I can see exactly what the pw is. However, I also use the Windows version as the main repository for all my passwords.

The problem I had was I needed to create a password for another app on my iPhone and as it was a banking app I wanted to generate it directly from the windows program. Unfortunately for me, I have my monitor resolution set at 1920x1200 and as it's not huge this makes any text that appears in the generator window very small.

Is there any way that a similar feature could be added to the windows version password generator in the same vein as the apps?

Some characters can be particulary hard to identify when they are so small, or appear very similar to each other, such as 1 or l.

I apologise if this feature is already there, but if it is I can't find it.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.8
OS Version: Windows 7 Pro
Sync Type: Wi-Fi


  • Hi @cas1701,

    It is not available in 1Password 4 for Windows but it will be in the next major version of 1Password we're working on, we have built in Large Type for the password fields already in the latest 1Password 6 Beta here. Unfortunately, I don't have a timeframe on when it'll be released.

    In fact, the Large Type window is its own window as you can see in this screenshot:

  • cas1701
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the reply, maybe I'll check out the beta.

  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @cas1701,

    Right now, the latest beta build of 1Password 6 support reading your local vault files but it doesn't support modifying it. A future update later this year will let you do that, so this beta build won't replace 1Password 4 for a while.

  • cas1701
    Community Member

    HI Mike,

    Ok, in that case I'll leave it for a while. Thanks again for the help.

  • You're welcome.

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