Trying to Move to from 1Password4 to a 1Password account - and I'm utterly confused and frustrated!


Today I tried to take advantage of your offer for 6 free months to migrate to a 1Password account. This has not been a pleasant experience and I'm still not there.

The instructions, I find, are really confusing: Download version 6; set up account with original master password; open 6; scan code; open 4; import this, export that. I'm totally lost.

I used your option for signing into the Dropbox account as a base. It's a mess. All I have are what appear to be encrypted records. And there doesn't seem to be a way to remove that vault.

Now what do I do? This is really discouraging. I feel I'm jumping through hoops here. And I've spent almost 90 minutes on this.

1Password Version: 6.0.186d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:key missing dropbox


  • amswitzer
    Community Member

    OK - now it seems to work.

    Those instructions are brutal! Worse - the import process doesn't show a confirmation that the file has been correctly imported in version 6 from 4. There's nothing indicating that the import is in progress, etc. Just nothing. So the user has no clue if things have worked or not. Not user friendly at all, I'm afraid.

  • amswitzer
    Community Member

    I've now uninstalled and reinstalled the Chrome browser extension 5 times. Each time, it appears to register (yes, I've gone to the options screen to do that), but the, it seems not to have registered. I cannot select the options to have passwords autofilled. And searching for items is useless, because the extension keeps indicating that it's not registered. I've restarted Windows 3 times now.

    So that's it. I give up. I'm extremely disappointed. I've had nothing but problems setting up 1Password.

    I'll move to LastPass for good. I wanted to support a Canadian company, but it's not worth the 3 hours or more I've put into simply trying to set the thing up.

  • Hi @amswitzer,

    We do apologize but we need to clarify more that 1Password 6 Beta for Windows is a beta build of a new program that doesn't have a lot of features implemented yet and the UI hasn't been fully polished yet. It will be a while before the entire experience is done properly.

    While you've decided to switch to something else, I still want to explain what happened in case you want to know.

    1. 1Password 6 Beta doesn't yet support migrating directly from your local vault files to your 1Password account, so you have to export the data from the same vault file in 1Password 4 to 1PIF and then use 1Password 6's import to import it directly into one of your 1Password account's vaults. The next update will fix this, so you can add your local vault files and copy them over in the same program without using 1Password 4.
    2. The import process will be improved soon to add a progress indicator with a detailed report of what made it in and what didn't, how many items were imported, and so on. The entire import feature was a recent addition that hasn't gone through an iteration process yet.
    3. I'm not sure what happened with Dropbox there, it sounds like it hasn't been given a chance to finish the whole download before the app was closed. We're actually iterating the process already for the next update, so it should be better.
    4. As for your extension issue, that's likely caused by an anti-malware or security solution blocking the connection between 1Password extension and 1Password Helper. There is no need to register 1Password Helper, it is already done when you install or update 1Password 6 but the button is there for when you get a notice from your AV tool that it has blocked the registry call from 1Password, so you can re-register the Helper. This will be removed soon as we will add an option to keep 1Password mini running all the time.
  • amswitzer
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response.

    A great part of the frustration I've experienced is directly related by the instructions provided to folks like me who want to give 1PW Accounts (1PWA) a good trial.

    First of all, that instructional video on how to import existing items into a new 1PWA are horrible. Seriously - watch it not as a an Agilebits person, but a customer. The pace is extremely fast. The presenter clicks buttons and links so quickly, users simply cannot keep up. During the process, various warnings pop up as they show, but she "cancels" them. Users need to hear that - not just see it quickly flash across the screen. Something like "1PWA will prompt you to to blah blah blah. Since we don't need that, click the Cancel button". Stuff just flies by on the screen. That video is more confusing than helpful.

    Secondly, you are sending emails to 1PW existing users (I assume) with invites to trial 1PWA. But you don't provide warnings (well, not that I noticed) as you read through the info on your site, that 1PW6 is missing some features, or that during certain processes, 1PW6 will not provide any feedback indicating that an operation took place.

    I got the fact that 1PWA is not yet able to import files directly from 1PW4. That wasn't difficult. But users need to be advised in advance of what the current state is, and how that will impact the import and transfer process. If one is not aware of these things and the process seems stalled, one could click a cancel button or close a window without realizing the a process could be impacted.

    Finally, I did like what I saw. The web version seems attractive and easy to use. And obviously, new customers will not have to go through these process so it's much friendlier for them. But as an existing customer, this is a confusing process which is not really helped by the instructions and a clear indication as to what is current "normal" given the beta status of the various pieces. Even something like "1PW6 will not give an indication that the import from Dropbox was success. At this time, this is normal and will be corrected in a future release". Then the user is reassured that they haven't done something incorrectly.

    Thanks for letting me blow off steam. I've been a fan of 1PW since I purchased it. So much so that I'm willing to give it another shot knowing now what is and isn't expected behaviour. I appreciate the time you spent explaining the situation.

  • MikeT
    edited August 2016

    Hi @amswitzer,

    I'll pass your feedback on the videos and docs to our docs team, so they can use it to improve their docs, thank you!

    I agree with you, it seems like we're so focused on trying to simplify the process for new customers, we've forgotten that existing customers and/or customers from other products will have a different experience.

    Secondly, you are sending emails to 1PW existing users (I assume) with invites to trial 1PWA. But you don't provide warnings (well, not that I noticed) as you read through the info on your site, that 1PW6 is missing some features, or that during certain processes, 1PW6 will not provide any feedback indicating that an operation took place.

    It was a general newsletter about the new stuff we're doing since the last newsletter, such as the new Individual plan, new folks we've hired and more clarifications on licenses/subscriptions as we've gotten questions about that. It goes to anyone who have subscribed to our newsletter.

    I agree that we're not making things clear but at the same time, trying to focus on what's not working instead of what is working now is difficult, especially when we're all really excited about the new service and the new apps, it is difficult to step out and realize it is just not ready only on Windows. The experience is much better on the biggest platforms for us, macOS and iOS.

    But users need to be advised in advance of what the current state is, and how that will impact the import and transfer process. If one is not aware of these things and the process seems stalled, one could click a cancel button or close a window without realizing the a process could be impacted.

    We agree, that's why we're working hard on fixing these issues in the code but our docs is out of date almost instantly as soon as we update it. When it comes to beta apps like 1Password 6 Beta, trying to catch up is extremely difficult but a red banner saying 1Password 6 Beta is just not ready would be nice to do and I'd like to see us do this but imagine that red banner all over the site, it sends a different message that we don't want to use. I'll be sure to bring this up with the docs team to see if we can do this.

    Thanks for letting me blow off steam. I've been a fan of 1PW since I purchased it. So much so that I'm willing to give it another shot knowing now what is and isn't expected behaviour. I appreciate the time you spent explaining the situation.

    We understand the frustrations and we wish we have 1Password 6 for Windows ready for you by now, with everything implemented because like I say, we really really are excited about this but need to take a step back.

    My suggestion for now, stick with what you previously have or a different one that makes you happy and wait until we have 1Password 6 out that's fully complete. It may take a few months. As long as you're secure and happy, that's all we want, even if it is not with our program.

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