change to OneDrive and get rid of agilekeychain

I have Windows10, iOs and OSX devices. I would like to get rid of Dropbox but want to keep my primary vault in addition to my Family vaults. This is because I want to use as little resources/services. With OneDrive and iCloud and now agile bits (for the families-vaults) I want to save resources abolishing Dropbox.
OneDrive works beautifully and off course is perfectly integrated with Windows10.
On the iOS and OSX devices I have OneDrive as well and it works as a charm as well.
Can the iOS and OSX devices handle a vault in OneDrive that synchronizes via OneDrive?

Alternatively: since 1Password for Windows is finally available in a new version, I can also add iCloud to my Windows10 devices.
Will it work if the primary vault is kept and synchronized in iCloud on my Windows10 devices?

While going to another synchronization, I suppose I can move the items to the new Vault in the new location (OneDrive or iCloud in stead of Dropbox). If I do that, am I then at the same time migrated to OPVault?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:icloud


  • Hi @HalfBekend,

    Thanks for writing in. I completely understand why you would want to simplify your syncing setup. Believe me, I face the same issues :)
    There are a few things that you need to be aware of that prevent your plan from working exactly as you wish.

    Firstly, OneDrive is not a supported syncing method in 1Password for Mac or 1Password for iOS. On the Mac you could theoretically access a vault stored in your OneDrive folder but 1Password for iOS has no way of seeing it. Furthermore there is no syncing conflict resolution implemented for OneDrive, yet.

    The situation is similar with iCloud. The syncing portion of iCloud that allows you to keep application data in sync between OS X and iOS devices (called CloudKit) is not the same thing as iCloud Drive, which is a product similar to Dropbox. The former feature is not available on Windows yet and thus not an option for keeping data in sync across Windows, OS X, and iOS.

    Did I read this right and you've signed up for a 1Password Families account? If that's the case then using it for all of this would eliminate all of your problems at once.

    Please let us know, we'd love to help you get this neat and tidy.



  • HalfBekend
    Community Member
    edited September 2016

    Thanks Alex.
    Indeed I signed up to 1Password Families real early and finally can make full use of it as the Windows version now supports it.
    I cannot do without the local vault however, as discussed at
    So, it was just an improvement I was looking for, everything works, so I will keep using the Dropbox-sync as long as necessary.

  • I see what you mean, @HalfBekend.

    I merely skimmed the discussion in the other thread and it was quite enlightening.
    For now I think that keeping a copy of your emergency kit in a safe place for the executor might be as good an idea as keeping a secondary, Dropbox-synced local vault around but your reasons for not wanting to do this are understandable.

    For this purpose—keeping a local copy with specific information around—I believe CloudDrive should be sufficient and we will support local vault better in the new version of 1Password for Windows in the future.

    One thing I would like to mention about this plan though, is that if you keep information about the 1Password Families account in the local vault, then the security of the entire system relies on the strength of the master password you chose for the local vault in Dropbox.



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