Upgrading to the new 1Password from 1Password 4

Hey there, over a year ago I bought a license for 1Password 4. I love the software, it's saved my bacon many times. I am curious though about the new platform. While I'm not entirely fond of the hosted design, and would rather have the information on my computer(s) or mobile devices, locally, it seems this cloud solution is the way Agile Bits is going. Sorry if some of these questions have been asked.. When I look at threads, sometimes I get confused about which version they are running.

  1. Is the upgrade path from 1Password 4 to the new cloud version easy? I just export from my desktop version and import to the cloud one, right?

  2. Is the Windows app actually stable? I know it's beta, but is it usable without horrible issues day to day?

  3. Is there a chrome app? I didn't see mention of that actually. And how does the iPhone or Android app integrate? Do you just sign into your 1Password account on the app and it populates your vaults?

  4. Is the file size for attachments in logins increased? The 5.x MB limit is irritating, :(

  5. What features will I lose by upgrading/migrating from 1Password 4 to the new hosted cloud platform?

Thanks :)

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro1
Sync Type: MS OneDrive


  • Secundus
    Community Member

    +1, I would also like to know how to import my old data into the new version!

  • AlexHoffmann
    edited September 2016

    Hey @tbonecopper and @Secundus,

    Thanks for your interest in the new 1Password service and the new Windows app.
    Let me go through your questions one by one:

    Is the upgrade path from 1Password 4 to the new cloud version easy? I just export from my desktop version and import to the cloud one, right?

    Yes. You can simply export the data from 1Password 4 and import it into the 1Password 6 beta. Please have a look at our migration guide.

    Is the Windows app actually stable? I know it's beta, but is it usable without horrible issues day to day?

    It is still a beta and we mean it. For the most part, though, it is quite stable. We are actually quite close to publishing the first stable release. That said, we're making a few exciting changes under the hood right now and are spending a lot of time testing and making sure it works as well as our customers expect it to.

    If you can, I would recommend waiting a few more days before you make the move.

    Is there a chrome app? I didn't see mention of that actually. And how does the iPhone or Android app integrate? Do you just sign into your 1Password account on the app and it populates your vaults?

    Chrome app? You mean for ChromeOS? That's a no, unfortunately. It's an intriguing idea that we're keeping an eye on, though.

    And regarding 1Password for iOS and Android: yes, once you have an account with your data in it, simply log into your account on these devices and you're set.

    Is the file size for attachments in logins increased? The 5.x MB limit is irritating, :(

    1Password accounts have a storage limit of 1 GB but no file size limit. Right now the apps have an upload limit per file of 5 MB but you can upload bigger files on your account website.

    What features will I lose by upgrading/migrating from 1Password 4 to the new hosted cloud platform?

    There are a few important features that aren't implemented in 1Password 6 for Windows, yet, namely Documents support, auto-save in the browser, and filling credit cards and identities. This is limited to the app, though.

    You're actually gaining a lot of features with the subscription product. First and foremost you won't have to worry about syncing your data across devices and platforms anymore, we take care of that for you.

    You also get increased security, because 1Password accounts offer a multi-factor encryption approach. All while having your sensitive data stored on a zero-knowledge cloud platform.

    Sharing vaults and passwords with family members using 1Password Families is also something you might find very useful, and the option to help family members who might forget their master password without compromising their security.

    Please don't hesitate to ask more questions, we're happy to answer them

    Cheers and have a great weekend,


  • tbonecopper
    Community Member
    edited September 2016

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the information. Perhaps I can clarify.

    • By Chrome app I meant an extension for 1Password.
    • I don't understand the relationship between the 1Password for Windows that I install versus the Online/Web Based version. Do they update other, complement each other, or can I have a 1Password extension installed to Chrome on my Windows PC and not need the actual 1P app installed in the background (the agent, basically) to autofill?
    • The missing support for Documents, auto-save from the browser, etc in the Windows App causes confusion for me. That means there are aspects of the Windows app that aren't on 1password.com, and vice versa... and they don't fully sync with each other?

    The increased security benefits for 1password.com subscription doesn't really interest me. I have control of my own vaults on my computer and on the services where I choose to back them up. 1P for families isn't on my list, I don't have one, so yea... but for others who may need that, I'm sure it's great. Sync isn't a difficult task, I just have Siri remind me every week to sync between my phone. My computers all sync automatically already, no intervention from my part.

    It sounds like the 1P for Windows and 1P subscription aren't totally in sync yet, and there's no compelling reason for me to upgrade. I switched to 1P from lastpass due to their security breach in 2015...this cloud thing isn't my style for this type of password management for similar reasons.

  • Hey @tbonecopper,

    Thanks for clarifying your questions. I understand completely where you're coming from now.

    By Chrome app I meant an extension for 1Password.

    That is already present and working.

    I don't understand the relationship between the 1Password for Windows that I install versus the Online/Web Based version. Do they update other, complement each other, or can I have a 1Password extension installed to Chrome on my Windows PC and not need the actual 1P app installed in the background (the agent, basically) to autofill?


    The online version is what we call the web client. It has almost all of the features that you can find in the native apps for Windows, OS X, and iOS, like editing and adding new items, searching for information, etc., and also a few things like account management that currently have to be done on the website.

    The client apps on Windows and OS X are the ones that interact with the 1Password browser extensions you can install. They are necessary to use 1Password in your browser.
    In terms of updates: If you have a 1Password subscription, you will get all future app updates and upgrades for free including any new features we might add.

    The missing support for Documents, auto-save from the browser, etc in the Windows App causes confusion for me. That means there are aspects of the Windows app that aren't on 1password.com, and vice versa... and they don't fully sync with each other?

    It sounds like the 1P for Windows and 1P subscription aren't totally in sync yet, and there's no compelling reason for me to upgrade.

    The lack of full documents support and auto-save in the 1Password browser extension on Windows is only temporary. We simply haven't added these features to the new app, yet. They're core features and coming very soon.

    I switched to 1P from lastpass due to their security breach in 2015...this cloud thing isn't my style for this type of password management for similar reasons.

    We understand and respect that. It's the reason why we will never push anyone to move to the cloud-hosted subscription product.

    The security of our cloud platform is based on end-to-end encryption, same as before, coupled with a way of transferring and authenticating data that is even more secure than any Dropbox or iCloud syncing, because our server don't actually store data that is of any use to attackers.

    If you don't wish to use a 1Password subscription, go ahead and use the apps with the local vaults, and take care of the syncing yourself.
    As long as people demand these app, we will sell them licenses and keep improving the apps for the local vault model.

    Let me know if I can give you any more information.



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