Cannot Get 1Password to work on Windows PC after initial start-up on Macintosh.

After downloading 1Password for my Mac to work with a client, I am having a difficult time figuring out how to set up the program on my Windows desktop. I've downloaded the app but it only presents me with options that do not allow me to login correctly
-I am new to 1 Password- which asks me to create a new master password
-I have used 1 Password before- when I click it prompts a loading folder and then says I do not have the correct information
-Restore 1Password from backup- as this is a fresh install, I do not have a backup on this computer

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @AZahorcak22,

    Thanks for contacting us with your issue.
    We're sorry that you're having a less than stellar first run experience with 1Password for Windows.

    Can you please tell us whether you have a 1Password account on or if you're using a local vault and syncing via Dropbox or iCloud?



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