Signed up for 6, didn't realize it was beta, downloaded 4, it says its a trial, but I paid....

So, the title pretty much sums it up. How do I verify that I paid? I seem to recall paying, but when I try to resend licensing to my email I didn't get an email. I do have emails regarding my account being active.

Side question, do I need to uninstall 6?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • mac,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Are you using a 1Password account on If so, you need 1Password 6.
    If you're instead using a local vault (a file ending in .agilekeychain or .opvault) you will need to use 1Password 4 for the time being.

    Please let us know if this helps!



  • CT_42
    Community Member

    I too signed up for V6 but didn't understand until too late that the beta does not capture passwords at all. I spent some time creating a csv file of my passwords only to find in the small print that V6 doesn't support this either! I'm now struggling to find a link to the legacy version 4 again (I can't find where I saw it last night before I fully appreciated just how "beta" V6 is) which I guess I need to install so I can import my passwords before I "upgrade". IFfyou area going to sell this you should wait until V6 actually works or at least advise installation of V4 for now, and provide a link on the downloads page. I spent about 2 hours last night scratching my head as to why the basic features don't work only to find that it's because beta hasn't been developed enough to be usable. I'm disappointed. This was recommended to me by a colleague as a really good piece of software but it's now apparent that they have V4 not V6. Is there any timescale to getting V6 to either pick up new passwords through the browser extension or import from csv? If I spend another evening installing V4 and then V6 and find that I could have just waited a week or so then I'm not going to be too happy again. what are the planned timescales for getting V6 to work, and where is a link to V4?


  • CT_42
    Community Member

    Ok, so this morning I've got to a different download page and have found V4. last night I went through the "6 months free" link and didn't seem to have any option but the V6. I'd still like to know when V6 will work or whether I should just ditch it and go for V4 until V6 is fit for purpose.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @CT_42: I'm sorry for the confusion! 1Password 4 predates the 1Password subscription service so it cannot access vaults in your 1Password Account (that's why we're building the new app), but you're welcome to use 1Password 4 with local vaults until such time that 1Password 6 meets your needs. Just download it from our site, and shoot us an email at with a link to this discussion so we can help you get setup. Cheers! :)

  • CT_42
    Community Member


    I've dug out my old laptop, installed V4 and used this to import my passwords into V6 via a csv file. I'll stick with V6 for now but would still like to know when you expect V6 to be functional.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @CT_42: Fair enough. I and many others have been beta testing the new app for a few months now, so I guess it depends on what specific features you're looking for as far as what you'd consider "functional". While we can't offer specific dates regardless, for example autosave is a high priority, so we're working to add that sooner than others.

This discussion has been closed.