How to Migrate my PC App to subscription Vault

i'm trying to use this article. to migrate to the 1password app on my PC. I have multiple computers and devices. PC and Mac. I'm only able to figure out how to use the new subscription on my mac computer. is there a way to sync to the pc app ?

1Password Version: 4
Extension Version: 6.0.604
OS Version: Windows 10 Home
Sync Type: subscription personal
Referrer: kb:undefined, kb-search:migrate on pc


  • Hi @mmcapper,

    Thanks for writing in with your question.
    Do you already have your 1Password account set up on your Mac? Does it contain all your data?

    If so, then you simply need the new version of 1Password for Windows, sign into your account and you're golden.
    Here's the Getting Started guide that contains all the information you need for this.

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have more questions.



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