Changing from Mac to Windows

I have been using 1Password on a Mac with my iPhone for years and it is phenomenal. I am selling my Mac and buying a Windows 10 PC. What do I need to do to: 1) migrate my data, 2) transfer my license from Mac to Windows and install on Windows, and 3) add my wife as a second user of my 1Password database - she uses a Chromebook. Also, can I change my syncing database from DropBox to Google Drive?

Thanks for a quality product!!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @a_keith,

    Thanks for contacting us and for the praise.
    There are a few things you need to take care of to get the transfer done and a few issues with your planned setup that we should be able to address, though.

    1. Migrating your data is easy when you're already syncing it via Dropbox. It's really a matter of pointing 1Password for Windows to the right file in your Dropbox folder.
    2. Changing your license from OS X to Windows isn't possible. These are different products that require separate licenses. I'm going to get into another solution in a moment.
    3. Adding your wife as a user on a Chromebook is not possible in the way you're used to because there's no 1Password for Chrome OS.

    There are a two solutions for 2 and one potential solution for 3.

    Solution one for point 2 would be to buy an upgrade license for 1Password for Windows. Assuming for a second that you've purchased 1Password for Mac in the Mac App Store, all you'd have to do is send us a copy of the receipt via email and we would supply you with a coupon code for our web store that will bring the price of the 1Password for Windows license down by 50%.

    You could then transfer your existing database to your Windows PC via Dropbox and pick up where you left on your Mac.

    The second solution I propose is signing up for a 1Password Families subscription account on
    This would allow you and your wife to use 1Password on any and all devices you own or control. You wouldn't have to worry about syncing your data anymore because all of it is taken care of by our service and with a higher degree of security to boot.

    The way this would also solve issue 3, where there's no native 1Password client for Chrome OS, is that your wife can still use the web client for her 1Password account on her ChromeBook. She can add, edit, and organise her items there.

    And last but not least, using a 1Password Families account would allow you and your wife to securely and easily share logins and other sensitive information among each other all while having your own, personal vaults to yourselves.

    I hope this information is helpful. We'll be standing by if you have any other questions.



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