Weird have-to-twice-click function in Firefox

Not really sure how long, but currently in Firefox, I have to click 1Password icon twice, to get the password window to open. After that, all is working fine, until I close and reopen the Firefox, when I have to do the same twice-click-function yet again.

Any ideas what is causing this?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.9
OS Version: Win10Pro 14393.105
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @Kosta88,

    Thanks for writing in.

    It's been a while since anyone reported this behaviour but we've seen this caused by certain anti-malware software and browser extensions in the past.

    Which anti-malware software are you running and do you have any security or privacy-focussed extensions installed in Firefox?



  • Kosta88
    Community Member

    Hi Alex,

    thanks for the resonse.

    I have only Kaspersky Internet Security (2016, v17.0.0611(a)) on my machine.
    Kaspersky has been disabled in Firefox, and what could have been removed, was removed (and Kaspersky set not to reactivate any extensions).

    Adblock Plus
    YouTube High Definition
    Kaspersky Protection (inactive)

    As for plugins, standard stuff, nothing sec/priv important afaik.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Kosta88: Hmm. Well, given that this seems to be happening on your machine and not others, I suspect that something in that list (or others you didn't mentioned explicitly) may account for the difference there. Have you tried disabling other extensions/plugins temporarily to see if that helped? While I'm not familiar with the others specifically, I know AdBlock in particular can cause issues with the 1Password extension if misconfigured. Another thing to check is Firefox's password management feature, as it may be interfering as well. Please let me know what you find!

  • Kosta88
    Community Member

    I'll see if I can locate the problem, but considering Adblock, I have been using it along 1P for many years now.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Kosta88: I haven't used it recently, but I know we have a lot of folks here who do without issue. Yet, confusingly, we still encounter cases where it causes issues for customers. I don't know if this is due to manual configuration, or perhaps some quirk of installation or legacy settings. That's why it can be useful to at least confirm or eliminate it as the cause. I look forward to hearing your results!

  • Kosta88
    Community Member

    OK, now that was weird:
    I deactivated ALL my plugins and extensions, restarted FF, and reactivated them all.
    And now it's fine. I'll report back if the behavior returns, but for now, I can't get it to "fault" again.

  • Very well, @Kosta88.

    Maybe it was just a hiccup in Firefox.


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