can't access my new 1password purchase because i don't know my old password

I forgot my password on my original 1 password account. You could not find a record of my purchase, so I purchased a new version. I download it, but when I opened it I was asked for my vault password, which, of course I do not have. I then fo0und instructions on how to start over with an empty vault. It may be me, but the instructions were impossible to follow as the 2nd step called for me to choose preferences and then general after I had opened and unlocked 1password. I could not do that because there was no preferences to click on. Help.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:can't access my new 1password purchase because i don't know my old password


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Dear @terrymwade,

    Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the forums! :)

    I am sorry to hear about the difficulties you bumped into, while trying to start over. I will be happy to help you with instructions, but first, could you please specify the version of 1Password you have installed? Is it 1Password 4 or 1Password 6 beta?

    Thanks in advance!


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