windows 10 expiration

I have an account setup for 1 year billing, first billing setup for Feb 2017... when i look at my Android device it looks like it is setup correctly no expires date. now to the problem. I have 1password setup on my win10/chrome/1pass v4.6.0 desktop and all is working fine ... but ... the software is not licensed so will expire on 10/6/16 how do i proceed?

1Password Version: v
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: win10/chrome
Sync Type: wi-fi
Referrer: forum-search:windows 10 expiration


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Dear @johnwint,

    Welcome to the forums! You did the right thing by contacting us. :)

    If you want to use your Individual 1Password Account, you will have to download 1Password 6 beta, because 1Password 4 for Windows does not support 1Password Accounts. 1Password 6 for Windows is still in beta, you can find out more about it and download it from here:

    Also, I went ahead and checked your Individual Account and it seems to be empty. It means that you sync your data across your devices via Dropbox or Wireless Network or local folder. If you want our assistance in migrating your data from the local vault to 1Password Account, please open a support case by sending an email message addressed to:

    Do not post your personal info in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum username so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your email in our inbox. You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down your email and make sure you receive a reply as quickly as possible. Thanks in advance! :+1:


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