OnePassword 6 Beta - Write Operations not Working

Community Member
edited September 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hey there,

i did fall back to Version 4.xx since i cant:

  • Activate / Enter License Key
  • Edit Logins
  • Create Logins
  • Create Vaults

    It seems that no write actions are permitted or working. The Keychain itself is ok, since i can do all of it in v4.xx.
    I tried it on different Systems, though all of them Windows10. Tried also a local copy of the Chain.
    Is there an incompatibility between Chain version? Are there any Chain versions?

Since v6 Beta is a lot faster regarding finding Logins i would like to use it... :)


Edit: OS Win10, Chain in iCloud, Encrypted with Boxcryptor.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @flocola,

    Thanks for reaching out to us with your feedback.

    1Password 6 doesn't yet support item creation or modification for local vaults or those stored on a third party cloud sync service.
    Adding new items and editing existing ones is currently only possible for 1Password accounts.

    If you need to edit local vaults, you need 1Password 4 for the time being. We're sorry about this inconvenience and can assure you that this feature will be added in a future version of 1Password 6.



  • flocola
    Community Member


    thanks for the fast Reply!
    Ok no problemo. Just wasnt sure if its a bug or "feature" :)

    Looking forward for the new Releases!


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