Storing the Account Key in 1Password

Community Member
edited September 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I have a 1Password subscription.
When I created the 1Password Account then a Account Key was generated for my account.
But in 1Password only the Email and the Master Password are stored, not the account key.

I checked the entry in 1Password at the "Web Form Details".
Here are no values entered in the column "Name".
I thought that here the name of the fields is stored?
Or is this not needed because you have the HTML attribute "Email" and "Password"?

So what can I do so the Account Key is also stored in 1Password?
And that is also filled in the web form.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.5.9 (Firefox)
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @OLLI_S,

    For now, you have to add a custom password field to store the Account Key. We are working on a solution where 1Password can auto-save with the Account Key included as well but this is intentional at the moment as per this post. This custom field we did is not yet implemented for the Windows version.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member

    Hello @MikeT,

    thank you for your help, I created a new password field with my account key.
    Please forward the problem that I can not fill the field "Account Key" on the website to the developers.
    Thank you!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Done and done! We're working on ways to improve this in a future update. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

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