Problems logging into Elite Dangerous

I created an app login for the game "Elite: Dangerous".
But this login in working only once!

I created a new entry and pressed the [Ctrl] key so I have the button "Add App".
Here I selected "Elite Dangerous Launcher".
The URL in 1Password is:
Then I selected the window and pressed [Ctrl] + ['] and logged in.

When I start Elite: Dangerous again, then logging in is not possible.
So I selected the App again and now I have:

I also tried to use these application names, but this is not working:

My old password manager worked here, because he used the Caption in the Window of the application.

What can I do so I can log into Elite: Dangerous?
Searching the password in 1Password and then clicking the Autotype Button in the toolbar is more work than to press [Ctrl] + ['].

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @OLLI_S: I think you're on the right track there, but unfortunately (as you're aware) 1Password does not read window captions, nor does it support wildcard "URLs". I don't have this game, but another team member explained that the string at the end of the "URL" is a token generated by the luncher...which apparently changes, so that's probably why this doesn't work for you on the subsequent launches. The only way for 1Password to fill under these circumstances is using the Auto-Type button in the app and manually selecting the correct window for it to fill. It's definitely an interesting case we'll keep in mind as we develop future versions of 1Password (and Auto-Type). Thanks for bringing this up!

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member
    edited September 2016

    Please forward to the developers my suggestion to allow a wildcard in the URL.
    It is frustrating that I each time I play the game I have to search for "Elite" in 1Password and press the Auto-Type button in the toolbar.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry for the frustration! I really hope we can come up with a better solution. As we've discussed previously regarding the Auto-Type feature, having wildcard support can be incredibly convenient...but it also poses a security risk (since any app or website could then use a similar name to trick you — or 1Password — into filling there). This is definitely something we'll be thinking about as we develop the Auto-Type feature going forward.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member

    What about not a common wildcard?
    What If I can tell 1Password "Ignore numbers (like Version Numbers and Unique IDs)".

    If I have selected this option then numbers like these are filled:

    • 1.2 (Version Number)
    • 2.5 Beta 2 (Version Number with Beta)
    • 123-4567-12345664322-1234 (Serial Number)
    • db060fd8-a153-4f89-91fc-61d0834a9862 (Unique ID)
    • DB060FD8-A153-4F89-91FC-61D0834A9862 (same Unique ID with capitalized letters)

    This is definitely more secure than a wildcard, but his helps solving my problem.

  • MikeT
    edited September 2016

    Hi @OLLI_S,

    We plan to change how the applications will be tracked, it may not use the same naming system we're using now but we'll certainly keep this in mind.

  • OLLI_S
    Community Member

    @MikeT: Is this planned for version 6?

  • Hi @OLLI_S,

    The plan was originally planned for 1Password 4, so I don't know for sure if both will get it or we may push it to 1Password 6 only.

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