Is agilebits working on a way to export notes and such?


We've been waiting on this for years now. The only way to export anything other than logins is via a 1PIF file which is basically useless for anything other than 1Password. There's no easy way to get notes, credit cards, etc. out of 1Pass in a usable format. Are you guys working on this for Windows?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @hashi856: Actually, since 1PIF is an open format based on standard JSON there are a lot of other apps that can read it — and since it's still plaintext, it's also readable by humans, viewable in any text editor. And most significantly, just because something can read "CSV" doesn't mean it will understand the specific data or tabular formatting (consider @MrC 's converters). There's a lot of variation there, so 1PIF is also better for consistency and compatibility, since we don't want our data mangled. That said, we'd definitely like to offer a bit more flexibility in this area in the future, but our priority will always be 1PIF because it's reliable and predictable.

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