Saving only "read password" in browser autofill form

Community Member
edited September 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Why when I use the extension and go to the site, the browser (Firefox) can save my password (autofill form)?
I closed the password from viewing and copying for my tream.

1Password Version: 6 beta
Extension Version: last bets
OS Version: windows
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Dear @vgalkin,

    1Password 6 beta does not support auto-save feature at the moment, i.e. it doesn't suggest you to save your login credentials, when you are signing in on a website. It is coming in the future updates.

    Am I right to understand, that your password is saved in Firefox and the browser fills this information on the website, but you don't want it? Could you please specify what do you mean by "read password"? I want to understand the issue, so my answer wouldn't be off the mark here. I hope for your understanding. :)

    Thanks in advance!


  • vgalkin
    Community Member

    Hi. "Read pasword" - it is I check only Read checkbox. My team can not copy or view the password. But Firefox open autofill window and save password,when i logging in.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Dear @vgalkin,

    I see that you have unchecked "Reveal passwords" in your permissions. Is your concern that Firefox is requesting to save the password, when you log in to a website? If so, you can prevent Firefox from storing your form entries by following this guide.

    Please let me know if I'm right or totally off the mark here. :)



  • vgalkin
    Community Member

    1password for team. And I used it for team. And I do not want my team could save the password in Firefox or another browser. I can't change setting for my team browsers. How can I use 1password for team and protect passwords from viewing and copying.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vgalkin: I'm sorry for the confusion! 1Password doesn't have any control over the browser. As Greg mentioned, you'll need to disable Firefox's password management if you don't want it to offer to save login credentials that are used there. Otherwise Firefox will attempt to save any login credentials that are used.

    The only other alternative is to not use 1Password to fill logins in the browser in the first place. While you can disable 1Password's reveal and copy features, if you're effectively exporting this data out of 1Password by using it in the browser, 1Password cannot dictate how it is used. In cases where you do not want people to have access to this information (or the ability to use it), it is best to not share it with them. I hope this helps clarify things. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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