URL Login not being Saved

Community Member
edited September 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Browser: Firefox
URL where your Firefox plugin doesnt work: http://my.wondershare.com/user/login

Explanation: When i say "not being saved" I mean I enter logon information, and click to login, and your tool does not ask me if I want to save the login. There is no popup as usual.

I have latest version of your software.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Dear @AgileBurger,

    Are you using 1Password 4 or 1Password 6 for Windows? The latter is currently in beta and is missing some features, including Saving new Login feature you are talking about. The only way to add items to your vault is through the 1Password 6 app. We decided to build 1Password 6 from scratch with 1Password Accounts in mind, as they are quite different from local vaults. This beta and upcoming 1.0 release will miss some features you are used to in 1Password 4 for Windows or 1Password 6 for Mac. But with it we are setting a foundation for what is coming, focusing on the core infrastructure and basic features for the initial public release, and then building on top of that. I hope for your understanding.

    However, if you are using 1Password 4 and the browser extension doesn't suggest you to save a new login information, please tell us about it. We will investigate.

    Thanks advance! :+1:


  • Hi @AgileBurger,

    I'll reply to your other thread, I think there's something else involved because it does work fine for me:

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