How about an option to open Windows 10 1Password 6 to "All Vaults" view, like Mac/iOS versions?


This is my preferred view on Mac and iOS versions. It seems to work fine on Windows, but i have to select the "All Vaults" every new session on Windows. There is an option to select a default vault for saving, but the Windows version does not offer an option to open to "All Vaults" for viewing.

1Password Version: 6.0.161u
Extension Version: N/A
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Family
Referrer: forum-search:How about an option to open Windows 10 1Password 6 to "All Vaults" view, like Mac/iOS versions?


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @rwhitey,

    Thank you for using 1Password!

    It seems that you are using an universal 1Password app from the Microsoft Store. Could you please download a desktop version of 1Password from here and give it a try? I think you will be pleasantly surprised. :)



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