Sharing passwords standalone version


Hi, I'm using 1Password for many years now for myself and I'm so happy with it. Now I'm planning to implement it to my company and its users, so we can all save and search data from our customers. But we need to have this data in our servers. We can't and don't want to use 1Password for teams and store it in the cloud.
Is there any way to use 1Password 4 all of us, and share one vault stored in our server?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:sharing passwords standalone version


  • Hi @infordisa,

    We do not recommend multiple users accessing the same 1Password vault file hosted from a server, it can result into data integrity issues, especially when more than one user writes to the same file at the same time.

    You would need to supply your own syncing tool to clone the file to everyone's drive and that way, they can use 1Password to read and update the data there. This is possible and has been done by many companies using 1Password 4 but it is not a supported configuration for us, mainly because each syncing tool is different and can do some damage if not carefully configured.

    A self-hosted version of 1Password Teams is something we're interested in doing for the future, would this be something that might work for you? Are there any specific concerns you have about 1Password Teams that you can share with us, so we can address it in the future. If you'd like to talk to us privately, we can do that as well, email us at

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