Seeing password history


I hit a problem today when I needed to see a previous password.
In the past it was easy to find a history of generated passwords - but, I couldn't find that option.
So I went to the forum and the suggestion was that history would be below item detail.
Suspect I'm missing something obvious, but couldn't see that.

I did manage to get old password by restoring a backup - but that's a rather long winded way of doing things.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 64 bit
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @jet1,

    You have to scroll down to the bottom to see the history. This is only available for Logins and only if you change or update the password manually and/or via the extension. If you've replaced the Login item rather than updating it, then the password history isn't retained because it is treated as a new item instead.

    Here's a screenshot:

  • jet1
    Community Member

    So obvious - thanks for the screenshot. I kept on opening the item ...

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @jet1: On behalf of MikeT you are very welcome! Please feel free to ask more questions in the future, if you have them, we are here to help! :+1:


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