Interesting design request - how about check for updates in background?


I love staying up to date with the new betas, but am I the only one annoyed when 1PW checks for updates on startup in the foreground? Why can't it do this in the background while I am working? I have it checking frequently and don't want to change it, but plenty of other software check in the background. When there's an update, it will notify me properly. Isn't this better design ethic? Notify the user WHEN there is an update?

1Password Version: 4.60 beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 64bit
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hey @mia,

    Thanks for writing in with your feedback.

    We understand that the frequent update checks for 1Password 4 betas in the main user interface thread can be cumbersome but they only happen at a rate you can define in the preferences. Still, I've reported your request to our developers.

    We value and investigate every bit of feedback we receive, so keep it coming.



    ref: OPW-130

  • mia
    Community Member

    Thank you Alex. It's just baffling to me why the app would make the user wait to check for updates when it could be doing it in the background. It just seems like better design to enable the user to work immediately after opening the app.

    Thanks for your & dev's consideration.

  • You're most welcome!

    There is a technical reason why the update check process should run in the main user interface thread but I can't recall it from the top of my head. We'll give this another look.


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