No username field in 1password Family on Windows

I have imported web logins from SplashID to 1password Family on Windows.
Some of the logins do not yet have an username field in SplashID.
I have two problems with these records:
1) 1password Windows desktop application does not create an empty username field for these records and hence I am not able to add the missing username information in 1password via the edit option,
2) the 1password add in for the Chrome browser on Windows does not update the record after I fill out the missing username on the web site login.

1Password Version: 6.0.245
Extension Version: 4.6.1
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AlexHoffmann
    edited October 2016

    Hi @cquist,

    Thanks for writing in about this.

    We've reproduced the issue and our intrepid developers have fixed this in the latest version, released a few minutes ago.
    Please have 1Password 6 check for updates. Version 6.0.248 includes this improvement:

    • [IMPROVED] Automatically add missing username field when editing login or password item.

    The root of the problem was that the conversion of your SplashID data into a .1pif file resulted not just in the username field being added as empty but no username field being added at all. Our developers have fixed this by having 1Password 6 check whether a login or password item contains a username field and if it doesn't the making the app add it when you click the Edit button.

    The other issue you brought up will be fixed with upcoming improvements for the auto-save feature.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions or more feedback.



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