Where are the instructions on how to proceed once logged in?

I am so irritated I am going to give up if I don't here from someone quickly. I am logged in and have no clue what to do now. Where's the tech help phone number? Where are the instructions?? the guide on how to set this thing up? Once in, Ive been abandoned. How is any non geek supposed to know what to do? Not having a person on the phone is a deal killer!!!!!!!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Just signed up, taken to my page, and left for dead with no instuctions on how to proceed. Don't hav


  • Hi @keithglanz,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. We would never even think of abandoning you.
    From what you wrote, you've just signed up for a 1Password account. What do you wish to know specifically?



  • judimari
    Community Member

    We want the INSTRUCTIONS !!!! because we've signed up and don't know how to get stuff into the damn VAULT!!!!!!!
    Don't give me team stuff or stuff about transferring from one vault to another!!! Just give INSTRUCTIONS how one signed-up person Puts stuff into VAULT!!!

  • judimari
    Community Member

    Alex, Keithglanz and I are asking the same question. I think we're both saying pretty clearly:WHAT ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THIS 1Password Program?!?!!

  • judimari
    Community Member


  • ChristopherNewton
    Community Member

    Me too. I set up my account yesterday but see no tutorial on how to start adding passwords.

  • Hi everybody!

    We're sorry for the frustration you're experiencing.

    The best place to start after having set up 1Password on your PC is to start saving logins using the 1Password browser extension:
    Use the 1Password extension to save and fill passwords on your Mac or Windows PC

    You can also add items manually by clicking the "New item" button in 1Password but for logins the easiest way to do this is by using the auto-save feature in the extension.

    Please let us know if this works for you. If you have more questions, go ahead and ask. We're here for you!

    Cheers and have a great weekend,


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