Update broke "browse" button?

The button was there before my update on Friday, now nothing. Is this intended?

Thank you

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Yes, @KeithRF, this was intended. You also assumed correctly that from now on you'll simply have to click the URL in the item to go to the website and have 1Password fill the login credentials.

    We made this change to bring the user experience in line with how 1Password works on the other platforms.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.



  • KeithRF
    Community Member

    Thank you for your prompt response Alex! ...in the grand scheme of life, I think I can change my 'mouse behavior' to the web details instead of the button. If anything it's a shorter throw! Good luck to your team fixing real issues. As a side note, our IT team uses your product and we are very impressed with your product and company. Please keep up the great work!

  • Thank you for your kind words, @KeithRF!

    And "Yessir!" we're already back to make the app better. Check for update, will you, we added a few goodies just this morning.

    If you have more feedback, please keep it coming. We thrive on that stuff.



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