WiFi sync priority iphone and windows computer

I use wifi sync to sync a windows computer with an iphone. I'd like to know which device have the priority during sync: if I add or edit a login through my iphone it will be transferred to my computer or I will lose the login?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: windows 7
Sync Type: wifi sync
Referrer: forum-search:wifi sync overwrite


  • Hi @sam_one,

    Thanks for this question. No device has the priority. It's a true synchronisation where the database files in 1Password for Windows and 1Password for iOS are compared, new items from either one transferred to the other and changes applied in both.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.



  • sam_one
    Community Member

    Thanks for reply @AlexHoffmann

    I also think synchronization works in this way but recently I sync my computer with my iphone. After, due to a computer issue I had to restore a previous 1password backup (opvault.zip file). Afterwards I sync computer and iphone again, but the oldest data backup on my computer overwrite the iphone data and new items disappeared from 1password (pc and iphone).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @sam_one: Ah I see. I'm really sorry about that! The WLAN Server tracks sync changes over time, but that information would have been lost when you restored to an earlier database. So while it sounds like the data on your PC would have technically been older at that point, from the perspective of 1Password, it was brand new. Fortunately you can use the backup feature in 1Password for iOS as well and restore data from a backup in the future if needed. Especially if you're going to have different data on each device, it's important to save a backup of each. I know from experience that data loss is a terrible, terrible thing. :(

  • sam_one
    Community Member

    Now I understand what happened to my data. Next time I will take care to do both backup windows and ios before sync.
    Thanks for the support guys :)

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi there @sam_one,

    On behalf of Alex and Brenty you are very welcome! Please reach out to us anytime, we will be happy to help! :+1:

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