No longins in Chrome after deletion of browsing history and cookies

I was troubleshooting a Google problem which required me to delete browsing history and cookies. Ever since, my Chrome extension is blank except for one entry for AgileBits Support Forum. I have logged in to various other websites and nothing is saving. I can see the logins one the 1Password website and app. I have tried deleting and re-adding the extension along with re-starting my computer. When I re-add the extension, it shows a message that it linked successfully. I also checked to make sure I had the latest updates for the extension and the app (Windows)

Can you help? I am on my trial version of 1Password and it's not going well. :(

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @4online,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. We'll help you fix this.

    I have to admit, I'm kind of baffled by the issue. What I can tell you for sure is that 1Password has no interaction with your cookies or browsing history. Like you surmised, 1Password only interacts with the browser through the 1Password browser extension.

    You're saying that you can see all logins in the app and on the website. That indicates that you're using the 1Password 6 beta and that your data is present. Can you please update 1Password 6 to the latest version via Settings > Options > Update?

    I have a feeling you might be using a slightly older version that doesn't yet show your items unless you're on a site that you have a login item saved for.

    The current version as of this writing is 6.0.252.

    I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.



  • 4online
    Community Member

    You are correct! I was playing around with it and I can only see all my logins if I'm on a blank tab. Otherwise I can see one login, or none if I don't have a login for that website. I downloaded the extension from your website. How can I get the new version?

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @4online: 1Password extension in your Chrome browser should be updated automatically. Could you please specify what version of 1Password 6 you are using at the moment? You can find this information by clicking on the gears icon in the upper right corner of 1Password app:

    Please try to update your version of 1Password via Settings > Options > Update.

    Keep us posted about how things progress. Does it help with the issue you've described previously?

    Thanks in advance!


  • 4online
    Community Member


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @4online: Make sure you update to the new version released today! If you open 1Password mini on a website, it will show logins for that site by default. But you can press Ctrl Alt \ or start typing to search, and it will include all logins. I hope this helps! :)

  • 4online
    Community Member

    Yes! I updated and I can see other logins now. One question: is there an easy way to add the website to my entries? I imported my password information from Excel and it all worked, but since I didn't have most websites listed, the website field is blank. This is a pain when using the Chrome browser because when I get on the login page for whatever website, I go up and find that entry in 1password, but when I click it, it opens an error tab instead of loading the login info onto the page. So then I have to open up my old Excel spreadsheet to look up the password (which is quicker than opening 1Password and then finding the page and then clicking Reveal).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @4online: Yes! You can create new Login items by hand in the main 1Password app:

    But an easier way is using the 1Password extension in your browser:

    When you login to an account the first time, 1Password will try to detect this and offer to save it for you.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • 4online
    Community Member

    Thanks. I've been using that. But given that I have 450+ logins already transferred into 1Password, it is a pain that they don't work via the 1Password extension since most of them don't list the web address. I was just wondering if there was an easy way to get all of my login/password credentials with the web links. Am I making sense?

  • Hi @4online,

    If I understand you correctly, the best option is to go back to the original Excel file, add the URLs there and reimport the data into 1Password. Although, I do have to ask, how do you know which site is for which credentials if it didn't have a website, you search by titles?

    Actually, one more question; how did you originally get the data in 1Password as 1Password 6 only supports 1PIF import, not CSV.

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