Cannot get Chrome extension to work with 1Password 6

I've tried reading around this formula and the FAQ but none of them help, unfortunately. I'm trying to get the 1Password extension in Chrome in Windows 10 working with the Windows 10 Store 1Password app. Even with the 1Password app is open I still get "Looking for the 1Password helper. The 1Password helper must be running for the extension to work properly." I've tried both the beta and stable Chrome extensions.

1Password Version: 6.0.161u
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 10586.589
Sync Type: Family


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @MikeMcQuaid,

    Thank you for reaching out and using 1Password!

    I see that you are using a version of 1Password 6 from the Microsoft Store, which is a little outdated at the moment. Could you please download the latest desktop version from here and try again? Make sure you check the box next to "Register 1Password Helper" in Settings > Browser > 1Password Browser Extension.

    Please let me know how it goes. :) I will be looking forward to your reply!


  • MikeMcQuaid
    Community Member

    @Greg Ok, will give that a try. Perhaps a stupid question: why do you keep outdated versions on the Microsoft Store?

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @MikeMcQuaid: We have to clear some hurdles before we can update it, but we are working on it. :) I am sorry for the confusion in the first place!

    Have you checked the desktop version?

  • MikeMcQuaid
    Community Member

    I used the desktop version but, like the beta, I find the update flow annoying (I want a background auto-update like the Windows/Mac stores provide). I'll just wait on the new Windows Store version. Thanks!

  • Hi @MikeMcQuaid,

    It will be a while and the Windows Store version may not support other features like browser extensions due to limitations.

    If you can explain why you find the update flow annoying, we'd like to improve it, so it isn't annoying.

  • MikeMcQuaid
    Community Member

    @MikeT I want 1Password on all devices to update in the background and never request me manually restart the application, basically. If that's done by an App Store or a Chrome/GitHub Desktop-style auto-updater I don't mind. As-is I use my Windows machine relatively infrequently and the previous desktop app would ask me to restart and upgrade on almost every launch which was a poor user experience.

  • Hi @MikeMcQuaid,

    We'll keep that in mind but it most likely will not change any time soon. The last time we've looked at it, we didn't like the idea of restarting 1Password app in the background without asking for the user's permission first each time. If the App Stores had an option to disallow this, we probably would've chosen it too.

This discussion has been closed.