[Bug:Translation:en-US] "Authorize" is mispelled in plugin prompts

The new plugin authorization prompts us "Authorise" and "authorisation" spellings. In the US we use a "z" instead of an "s".

Same spelling appears when handshaking with Firefox as well.

1Password Version: (19)
Extension Version: 4.6.1
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 6.2.9200
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jpgoldberg
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    Oops. Yes. Our English localization1 is for US English, so the correct spelling is "authorize". This is kind of my fault. I didn't code that nor do I follow UK spellings2 despite my European affectations; but I spotted this spelling error very early on in our development and testing process and failed to get it fixed. I have now filed the error report where it should actually get acted on instead of merely making jokes3 about the spelling over the course of multiple weeks.

    1. See, I wrote "localization" instead of "localisation". ↩︎

    2. My spelling is atrocious, and heaven save anyone who ever had to read anything I wrote before modern computers, spell checkers, and easy ways to make corrections. ↩︎

    3. In our internal conversations I had pointed it out but not in our issue tracking. When I wrote notes about the authorization process, I sometimes wrote things like "when the user authorizesauthorises the extension ...". But I guess this was a case where everyone thought that someone else had properly reported the issue. I have no idea why I thought that those were worthwhile jokes. We were working hard on this and may have become a bit silly. ↩︎

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