Clicking on 1P icon in Firefox doesn't work anymore

Updated to the latest 1P for Windows this morning. Started Firefox and it showed me some code and ask me to authorize which I did.

Now I click the 1P icon in Firefox and the menu doesn't appear. Also, the hotkey doesn't work anymore either. I removed and reinstalled the extension but nothing works still.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @Carl,

    We're sorry to hear you're experiencing an issue like this.

    Did you reauthorise the extension after reinstalling it? If so and it still doesn't work, this would point some piece of software on your PC is interfering with the communication between 1Password, the 1Password Helper (a necessary background application) and the browser extensions.
    The most common culprits are antivirus and firewall applications or the use of a proxy server.

    Can you please tell us which security software you're using and whether you're using a proxy server?



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