1password extension won't work. Gets message "can't find 1password helper"

I downloaded 1password ext for Chrome. Icon showed on top right and it said it had been installed. But when I click on it, message "can't find 1password helper" comes up. Have uninstalled it and reinstalled but same result. What to do?

1Password Version: 5.01
Extension Version: 4.3.1
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: automatic? or icloud
Referrer: forum-search:1password extension won't work. Gets message "can't find 1password helper"


  • Hey @lesleyyoga ,

    We're sorry you're experiencing this issue.

    This could point some piece of software on your PC is interfering with the communication between 1Password, the 1Password Helper (a necessary background application) and the browser extensions.
    The most common culprits are antivirus and firewall applications or the use of a proxy server.

    Can you please tell us which security software you're using and whether you're using a proxy server?



  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    I don't know what a proxy server is, but I don't suppose I am using one if it is not usual. I have Windows 10 on both desktop and laptop. I have Avast (Free) Antivirus on both. I haven't checked firewall on the desktop but on the laptop I checked the firewall and can see that 1password is not mentioned but I can't see how I can make the firewall allow it in. As you can see I am not a computer geek so I will need clear step by step instructions. Thanks in advance. If I can't get this working I'm giving up and uninstalling it. I have spent so far about 12 hours trying (and reading) tons of stuff!

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    Also I have tried to use 1password on my ipod. I want to be able to login in to various sites using my 1password but I don't see how I can 'connect' to 1password when I have logged into, say, gmail, or an app. There is no icon anywhere, so how do I change all my different passwords to be able to login with my master password? I noticed several people have asked this question on your forum. It is most frustrating to download 1password and there be no step by step instructions on the basic use.

  • Hi @lesleyyoga,

    Thanks for getting back to us. We understand that starting to use a new application sometimes doesn't work as smoothly as the user expects and the developer wishes it to be. We apologise for any frustration.

    There is a guide for getting started with 1Password for iOS and you can find it right here: https://support.1password.com/guides/ios/

    As for the issues with 1Password for Windows, I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Windows PC after you click on the 1Password button in Chrome:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report(s) in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report(s) in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s) and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    I have checked the laptop and it says I have 1password ext for Google Chrome and a number (if that is relevant). Also I have 1password: Password Manager and Secure Wallet Both are enabled. Does this tell you anything useful?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @lesleyyoga: Ah, thank you for mentioning that. You seem to have a very old extension installed in Chrome — so old, in fact that it's years out of date and no longer listed in the Chrome Web Store. Please disable it (version in Chrome and use the other one. It will have a "keyhole" icon on its button in Chrome's toolbar. When you click that, what happens?

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    Thank you. I have tried again to download 1password. This time it seemed to load differently - more steps - and I also deleted then reinstalled the browser extension. It seems to have worked - hooray! However, it asked me if I was new or existing and when I tried to opt for already having a vault, it said it couldn't find anything. I already had information in my vault but I assume that is now lost because I had to say I was new and it has set up a new vault. Is there any way of retrieving what was in the old vault? I still used the same master password.

  • Hi @lesleyyoga,

    Thanks for getting back to us with this information.
    Can you please tell us whether you simply disabled the 1Password extension like Brenty asked you to?

    Also: Can you please tell send us a diagnostics report using the instructions I gave you further up?


  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    I have checked my ipod and iphone. They seem to have kept the old information in the vault and added some new logins that I entered in my laptop after redownloading 1password on the laptop. However, the laptop only has the new logins. Why would that be?

    Re my account: when I first looked at 1 password, the website said there was a free 6 month trial. Now, on another website, it says 1 month. I have already wasted 1 week. Can I have the 6 month trial please, as I don't have a lot of time to spend on learning how to use it and in fact I probably won't use it very often? I need a fair bit of time to see if it is worthwhile.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

  • Hi @lesleyyoga,

    I'm expanding my request: Can you please send us diagnostics reports from all devices you use 1Password on?
    The instructions can be found in the link above. We need to get a better sense of how your data is saved and where.

    Thank you!

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    I don't know how to get a diagnostics report. However, I have checked Chrome and I only have the new extension enabled. So far it seems to have worked to put logins in the vault. I haven't tried it further.

    For my ipod and iphone, although I log on to 1password first, it is not showing an icon or anything for me to use login details when I am trying to login to a site I have previously 'registered' with 1password. Is something missing on my ipod etc?

    If I log in to 1password first on my ipod, then want to access another website through Safari or Google, how can I do it without closing 1password?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @lesleyyoga: Sorry for the confusion! Regarding iOS, once you enable the 1Password extension, you can use it to fill login credentials in Safari and Chrome (and other apps that support it):

    1Password extension (iOS)

    Also, Alex had asked for some diagnostic information in an earlier reply. Please follow the steps in each guide to send diagnostics from your devices:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (iOS)

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. Once we see the reports we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance! :)

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    How do you enable 1password extension on an ipod and iphone? There doesn't seem to be anything come up on the screen that allows it.
    When I log on to 1password, it shows the information I put on the laptop a week ago (and it synced) but it is not syncing with the new logins that I have done on my laptop (operates in Chrome on Windows).
    When I am in a website on my ipod, I log in and expect the box to come up from 1password saying do I want to save it, but nothing happens.
    I have tried to do the Diagnostics report as you suggest but can't do it - there doesn't seem to be an option by the methods you have suggested.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    How do you enable 1password extension on an ipod and iphone?

    @lesleyyoga: Just follow the guide I linked in my last reply. It will walk you step by step through both enabling the extension and accessing it in Safari.

    When I log on to 1password, it shows the information I put on the laptop a week ago (and it synced) but it is not syncing with the new logins that I have done on my laptop (operates in Chrome on Windows).

    It sounds like you need to setup sync on your PC. Which sync method are you using between your Mac and iOS devices currently?

    When I am in a website on my ipod, I log in and expect the box to come up from 1password saying do I want to save it, but nothing happens.

    Sorry for the confusion! iOS does not allow this. Instead you'll need to use the 1Password extension from the Share [ ↑ ] menu (also covered in the above guide). Try that and let me know if you have any questions!

    I have tried to do the Diagnostics report as you suggest but can't do it - there doesn't seem to be an option by the methods you have suggested.

    Can you tell me which step is giving you trouble, and an which device?

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    Thank you for your detailed replies. I now have some hope that eventually I'll get it working! I have put on the browser extension to my iphone and ipod but as it hasn't synced the information on logins from my laptop, I can't try it out yet.

    I initially synced the information I put on the laptop but can't remember how I did it. What is the procedure?

    I'm still working on the diagnostics report but it may not be necessary once I have synced my information to all other devices.

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    Re the syncing process. I have just looked up again the info on your support forum. A week ago when I first downloaded 1 password, I actually had an account and it synced automatically to my desktop and apple devices. When I downloaded 1password again a couple of days ago to ensure it was the right version, it seems to be showing as a trial version so I am wondering if that is why it is not syncing. If so, how do I transfer all the logins I did on the 'trial version' to my account. They have the same password. the ipod and iphone have the information from the account but not the new logins.

    If I can't merge these two, should I delete everything and start again? (I hope not!)

  • Hey @lesleyyoga,

    Thanks for this bit of information. If you're using a 1Password.com account you should be using 1Password 6 on your PC. If you're now being told that you're using a trial version on Windows, it means that you have 1Password 4 installed.
    The good news is that any data you entered there can be imported into 1Password 6 and then automatically synced to your 1Password.com account and your other devices.

    To give you detailed steps and a complete analysis, please send us the diagnostics reports. Don't forget to generate a diagnostics report from both 1Password 6 and 1Password 4 on your Windows PC.

    Thanks and have a great weekend!


  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    I am dubious about using 1password 6. From the comments in the forum, there are lots of problems and I have been advised by computer geeks I know to avoid Beta as it's more appropriate for ios. Also it seems mainly for teams/families and I don't need that. If there are problems with 1password 4, I can only imagine they will be bigger and more numerous for a while with 1password 6. Why would 1password 4 not work?

    Also, how do I know which 1password I am downloading? There are so many ways the website comes up when you Google 1password, obviously I downloaded the wrong one from 1 site and a different one from another. Similarly with the browser extension. I just clicked the button they siuggested and one time it was OK, the other not so. I didn't think I would be getting the trial version when I downloaded last time, but I did.

    All I want is one version of 1password that will work and sync with all devices (2 windows and 2 ios) and be able to log in automatically to my chosen websites - nothing complicated.

    I have sent a diagnostics report from my ipod but when I go into Settings on my windows laptop, there are no options for Diagnostic Reports.

    I really think the problem is the trial version that comes up when I click on the i in the circle at top right of screen. That is what links me to the new trial version and the logins I put in there. If I login in from googling 1password and go through the main website, I get into my account where the information is that I originally put in manually. I need to combine these into my account and be able to get in by some shortcut.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @lesleyyoga: Indeed, definitely don't download files based solely on a Google search. There are a lot of malicious sites (and misleading Google ads) out there, unfortunately. Using a 1Password Account, you can go "Get the Apps" to download the correct version:


    As Alex mentioned, 1Password 6 supports 1Password Accounts; 1Password 4 cannot. Using the 1Password.com subscription service lets you just login to your account on each device to access your data, rather than having to manage licenses and sync configurations, which it sounds like is just what you're looking for. And the stable version of 1Password 6 has been released this week, so no need to use a beta.

    I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: GRQ-63399-647

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    Thank you. If I download 1password6 as you suggest, by the link you gave, can I still use my existing account with same account key and master password. I don't want to download it if I have to start anything again. How can I get all the data together in the new 1password 6?
    Also, if I download 1password6, do I have to download the browser extension again as I think I have the correct one and I checked it is enabled.

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    I just clicked onto the link you gave and note that the 1password for Windows is specially for Windows 10 and the IOS is for IOS 10. Does it matter if my devices have IOS 9.3.5? Will it still sync with the new Windows app?

  • lesleyyoga
    Community Member

    Another question. I was about to download 1password 6 for Windows but don't know if I should uninstall 1password 4 first or later. If I do it first, does the extension go too? Will I still be able to access my information in 1password 4? If I download 1password 6 first, how do I know that I am logging into that one and not 1password 4 - will both icons come up and look the same? I gather I can somehow transfer data from 4 to 6 but how? (You will need to tell me in detail re what buttons to press!) Also if I download 1password 6 onto another computer with Windows 7 and not 10, will it still work and sync on that?
    Sorry to ask so many questions but I am anxious to have this sorted.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2016

    @lesleyyoga: It's difficult to carry on this conversation in multiple places. I'll reply via email.

    Edit: I've just replied via email. We'll continue to work there to help you get things setup. :)

This discussion has been closed.