1Password doesn't respond in Firefox 49.0.1

This discussion was created from comments split from: Firefox Extension Issue - Reinstalled.


  • crazyb13
    Community Member


    exact same thing here, with Firefox 49.0.1

    do you have any info ?

    Thank you.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2016

    Hi @crazyb13,

    No additional information that would be relevant here because a lot of things have changed since July.

    What version of 1Password is installed on your PC, are you using 1Password 4.6.616?

    Can you confirm 1Password extension 4.6.1 is installed in Firefox 49?

  • crazyb13
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    I can confirm i am running 1Password 4.6.616, the extension is indeed V 4.6.1 runnin on firefox 49.0.1.

    Latest Chrome is running fine.

    Thank you for your quick response.

  • Hey @crazyb13,

    Thanks for confirming the version of the involved apps and add-ons.

    Which add-ons are you using in Firefox apart from 1Password? If the 1Password browser extension works in Chrome but not in Firefox the issue is most likely rooted in Firefox or one of the add-ons you use.

    We'll get to the bottom of this.



  • crazyb13
    Community Member

    Hello Alex,

    I think we have reached the bottom of this.

    Shame on me not to have this idea before ! Indeed this is caused by an extention in firefox. The best suspect has to be somewhere related with pop-up blocking.

    It was in fact AdblockPlus 2.7.3.

    I disblaed it, get the authorization popup and re-enabled Adblock plus afterwards.

    Evering going fine now.

    Thank you and congrats for your quick and efficient service.



  • You're most welcome, Laurent.

    It's one of the rare instances where AdBlockPlus is apparently demonstrably interfering with 1Password.

    Thank you and have a great week!


This discussion has been closed.