How to use 1Password Sync Windows client w/cloud?

Community Member
edited October 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I'm a brand new 1Password customer, and very confused. I purchased the subscription model, and I want my password vault sync'd between various Windows computers and one iPhone. I'm using Firefox, and also installed the fat Windows 1Password product. I've been collecting various website passwords and they've been going into my Windows vault via the Firefox plug-in.

However, when I log into my 1Password web account, I see zero passwords. When I look at my iOS app, I also see zero passwords. My Windows 1Password client is also in "trial" mode but I emailed support about getting my license key.

So I'm very confused about how the "hosted" 1Password vault sync is supposed to work. From the help files it appears to be automatic. But for the life of me I can't figure it out. It's like the Windows 1Password vault is not "cloud" enabled and is just local. That's NOT what I want.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: built-in


  • Hi @TravelSD,

    We're sorry for the less than stellar setup experience for your account on your devices.
    It's going to be fairly easy to get the data you've already saved in 1Password 4 into your account and then onto all of your devices.

    First of all, you'll have to get the right version of 1Password to use with your subscription account, then you'll migrate your data, and once that's done, you can setup all of your other devices with the account.

    Please start the process by following the steps of our migration guide:

    You only need to perform this migration on the Windows PC that currently has your data in 1Password 4. On the other Windows PCs, you can simply install and sign into your account with the help of the setup guide:

    If you're not already signed into your account on your iPhone, I'd recommend uninstalling the app, reinstalling it, and then following the steps in the guide I linked to above to sign into your account.

    We'll be standing by if you have any other questions.



  • TravelSD
    Community Member

    I must say, I'm highly unimpressed with 1Password. You guys are far too confusing. First, why are there two different major versions for Windows? The 4.6 branch, and the 6.x branch. Why can't you have a single version that is "cloud" enabled AND supports local vaults? I also HATE the UI on the 6.x version. It seems highly limited compared to the 4.6 version. For example, I see no way to find duplicate passwords, no way to show all accounts in a "list" format that shows the "title", "location", "username" "password" strength and "modification" date. I see no rich icons. The "all items" view also takes up a huge amount of screen space. In the 4.6 version I can show nearly 66 logins on my 4K monitor. On the 6.x version I see a whopping 24.

    I just don't get it....what's the deal with the huge regression and divergent code branches? Terrible user experience.

  • Hey @TravelSD,

    Thank you for sending us your honest feedback. We're sorry to hear that you find 1Password confusing right now.
    We can understand you misgivings about the new version of 1Password so let me explain:

    1Password 4 is a based on a very old and solid codebase but was never built with online integration in mind. 1Password 4 does not have an internal database and always operates directly in a user's .agilekeychain or .opvault.
    Add to that issues with localisation, like app-wide unicode support, support for screen readers to help visually impaired customers use 1Password, and no support for high-DPI monitors, font scaling, and a number of other improvements we would love to give our customers.

    That's why we decided to rewrite 1Password from the ground up. This effort is 1Password 6.

    It's built using the most modern tools available for programming and designing software on Windows, adhering to the most current Microsoft user interface guidelines. The new application gives the user the best possible experience no matter which resolution your monitor shows, no matter how big or small you like your fonts, if you require a screen reader or not, and generally makes it easier to add new and exciting features. Similarly we might explore other view options for 1Password 6 in the future.

    It took years for 1Password 4 to become as feature-rich as it is right now and it's going to take a while for 1Password 6 to reach the same level of depth.
    We decided to concentrate on accounts in the initial development phase and to add write support and other features meant for local vaults later. The thought was giving users of our hosted service a native Windows app because up until recently they could only use the web app—1Password 4 on Windows doesn't and will never support accounts—so it made sense to start here.

    This is an exciting time for users of 1Password and we know that it can be confusing if you're switching from local vaults to accounts and that some features you expect aren't in the new application, yet. I can assure you that we're working hard on bringing 1Password 6 where we expect it to be and will help you with the transition and anything else you need from us.



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