After 1Password Update Prompted to Authorize 1Password Extension

1Password for Windows just prompted me to update, and I did. Then both Chrome and Firefrox opened new tabs (each) with the title "Authorize 1Password Extension" and the body of the page says "Compare this code to the one shown in 1Password" and a six-digit code (each, but the code is different in each browser). There is a pop-up to cancel or to authorize in the Firefox browser, but no such option in the Chrome browser. Both browsers, despite the different codes, are loading

After the update I had to unlock 1Password app; but it doesn't display any code for me to confirm with the browser extensions. Using the app I went to "preferences" and the "Browsers" tab and it shows the extensions as installed. Where do I go in 1Password to compare before I authorize?

I'm confident I could uninstall and then reinstall the extensions, but I'm holding off before doing that. I could possibly reboot as well, but I'm holding off on that, too.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Update: I removed the extensions from Chrome and from Firefox, cleared all cache and history, closed the browsers, and rebooted the computer. Upon login I opened the browsers, unlocked 1Password, and went to Preferences >> Browsers and used the options to install the extensions.

    Chrome this time had a more helpful message. Rather than ask me to compare the code to 1Password, it had a pop-up with the code and the browser page with the code, and asked me to "authorize" if the two codes matched. I authorized it, and it paired up well.

    Firefox had the same process as Chrome (so it, too, was more helpful this time) but after authorizing it stayed on a message "Looking for the 1Password helper" and the 1Password logo with a spinning circle in the blue around the "key hole". Firefox stayed this way without ever clearing it.

    When I tried to use either extension (Chrome or Firefox) they told me 1Password was locked. I went to the 1Password app but it was open. So I locked the app and unlocked it from the app. Then I went to Chrome and its extension worked well. The Firefox browser tab is still spinning, but if I open another tab and test the extension it appears to work, despite the lack of confirmation from the featured tab. So I'm closing all tabs now and consider that the extensions now work. But, sad that I had to remove the extensions and re-add before they could tell me to compare the pop-up to the code in the browser, rather than either have no pop-up (as Chrome was before) or having a pop-up but the message asking me to compare to the 1Password app rather than having me compare the code of the page to the code of the pop-up (as Firefox was before).

    I hope this helps other 1Password users on Microsoft/Windows.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for taking the time to post! I'm sorry for the confusion. Indeed, the browsers automatically update extensions, but when and how this happens is unpredictable. So the only reliable way to get the latest version is to uninstall the old one and install it directly from the AgileBits site. As long as you were able to confirm that the codes shown by 1Password and its extension matched and authorized the connection, you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything! :)

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